Friday, 5 October 2007

1st on screen design...

Finaly i have completed the 1st on screen design. Although a little late it would be very appreciated if i could possibly gain feedback before Monday. Thanks!

Another Idea was to have the banner looking a little like this??? Your thoughts will be appreciated.

After a number of outside sources i have narrowed my design down to this, any thoughts??


Suzanne Hullah said...

I think personally i prefer the second banner to the first one. But you have to remember, people are viewing your website in all different resolutions and they might not see the picture or text without scrolling.

nice work though!

John Browne said...

On another note, has anyone else found it annoying when inserting a picture into their blog. Ive tried to ammend it lots of times and still there is either a big gap between the image and text or it seems a little messy......

DREW said...

I really like your design, I think that you have made the right decision to reduce the size of the links at the bottom of the page so that they are in line with the collumn of text, this makes the designmuch tidier.

I think the design looks sofisticated and fits in well with the theme of Charles Dickens. I was thinking that maybe the design could benefit from the picture of Charles Dickens looking into the page rather than away from it.

Other than that I like your design alot.

I don't seem to have experienced your problem with adding images before either.

Craig Burgess said...

Would footer links really be needed on such a small website? I can't see the content for each website being so long that you'd have to scroll past the left navigation banner.

Other than that, I like the colour scheme. It's a nice choice, and it suits the subject matter. Nice work.

Craig Allington said...

I agree with Drew, flipping the image so he is looking into the page would be better.

It's all to do with psychology.

John Browne said...

The footer links are mainly placed as a back up to show easy navigation. Just as an example of what can be acheived if the text does happen to scroll past the fold line.