Wednesday, 26 September 2007

The Design Mechanics!

Today Steve let some of us (the 1st year students) join the class on our day off to see the presentation set by a Huddersfield based company known as the ‘Design Mechanics’. Residing their 30 minute lateness to the presentation today was in fact a real treat. From this experience I have learnt a lot about how the design industry work and how clients can effect your state of mind. From the way it seems, us college students have currently got it easy in relation to the industry for example: we don't have a nagging client refusing our work cause of it not been good enough or to their expectations, we don't have multiple projects to work on in the day Etc.

After the presentation we had a chance to ask the design team a few questions about anything relating to their experiences and current working environment. The main thing I learnt from this is that all clients have different opinions in a designer's creation, but they are still the boss of the project and their needs are very important in order to complete it successfully. Our roll if to successfully rise up to the design industry will be to cater for the clients needs and not our own personal attractions.

After the presentation and the questions, a few of the second years showed examples of their own work to us and the ‘Design Mechanics’. All of the work shown was at a great standard and this showed me the type of competition I will be working with in the future. All though some of the work was very inspiring like a CD cover created by ‘Andrew Ellis’. Now i have seen some of the work to come, I will be looking forward to the time when we begin to start some of it. Like for instance, creating the web site we are currently planning and designing an album cover.

If there are any questions from the students in the 1st year about the Design Mechanics feel free to ask. Also to add to that note, I am sure that the other students who attended the presentation will be more then happy to answer any questions regarding professional work and ‘The Design Mechanics’. Sorry if your not guys!!!!


DREW said...

Hey, it was good to see some of you guys today. I was a bit nervous about showing you lot my work though.

yeah I can email it to you if you like. Should I use the address on your blogger profile?

Thanks for the mention in your blog, glad you like my work.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Johnny,

This entry is a very good evaluation of today's events.

The Design Mechanics were fantastic, and the second years followed suit.

The level of work presented was of very high quality and the designers should be proud.

However, on a more vindictive note... please find below list of spelling mistakes on this blog...

latness - lateness
infact - in fact
i - I
dont - don't
proffesional - professional

Sorry Johnny-B - (you set yourself up for this) I can hear Steve chuckling to himself from here :-)

Anonymous said...

Please remember my comment about sensationalism. I think it would be more appropriate to say that 'some' clients are 'difficult' - rather than 'most' clients are 'rude and obnoxious'. Try not to be so literal. Exercise a bit of judgement. Please amend your entry - but full marks for creating it so quickly.

Julian Dyer said...

I am glad that you liked the second year’s presentations, John, even if not all of us got to show our work. Hopefully when it comes to you having to show your work to visitors you will be one of the first. Personally, I did not want to miss the chance to show my work to possible future employer, and I would think that you would want to do the same.

Hopefully you can take something away from what you saw in my presentation. I produced a simple document showing the final outcomes from each assignment to show my progress through the course – very simple, and only took me about half an hour to put together. It’s not really rocket science when you break it down into its component parts.

Now you should have even more drive to make it through the course – but be warned – you have to earn the right to get onto the more exciting assignments by completing the, shall we say ‘less interesting’ assignments. Focus on doing well in the run up to Christmas, and you can come back in the New Year with all the exciting assignments such as typography, website building and the professional print project to look forward to.

One final note: collect, comment, and buy a stapler! Get that sketchpad at least half a foot wide with inspirational material by half term. It will pay dividends by the time you reach the typographic unit. That goes for everyone!

Suzanne Hullah said...

I completely agree about the great opportunity we had today and I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about yesterdays presentation.

The level of work that I saw yesterday has inspired me even more on our current assignment.

Great evaluation.

Ben Waller said...

Thanks for your comments John. I feel that it is really important to have visits from people actually working in the industry as it helps to keep you more focused and have something to aim for after the course.

I was one of the students who was lucky enough last year to go and visit the Design Mechanics in Huddersfield. I would highly recommend that you do the same if the opportunity arises this year.

Shaun Bellis said...

I agree with Ben, the experience was invaluable.

Visits from people actually in the industry (as on Wednesday) helps keep our learning relevant.

The visit gave me as much motivation as it did inspiration.