Tuesday 25 September 2007

The @"!$ has hit the fan!

Today Steve wasn’t impressed in the way that nobody completed the tasks set in last Friday’s email. This resulted in Steve taking a time out in the library which left us to talk about what had just happened. As a fearless leader Shaun stepped in and suggested that we talk about the task we failed to complete. This formed a class discussion so that everyone had a chance to understand the ‘Web Content Accessibility Guidelines’ 1.1, 2.2, 4.2, 12.3 and 14.1. We also had a talk about these guide lines to make sure that everyone came to terms with what they are and what they stand for. After what seemed to be around a half hours discussion, Shaun yet again showed courage by leaving the room to confront Steve 1-on-1 in the dark corners of the ‘Library’ (Queue in the Horror Music). Shaun re-entered the room around 10-15 minutes after leaving, with a relieved look on his face. He stated immediately that a 2nd voice of what had just happened was needed for Steve’s ears in which Martyn volunteered. A form of punishment set as a reminder that lateness and incomplete work is not tolerated was agreed by our selves.

In other events a big thank you actually goes to Steve for showing us how to use ‘Adobe PageMaker’. By giving us a quick tutorial we were able to create an article about a female candidate known as ‘Nikki Iles’ (Not that the name rings any bells). But, in the tutorial we learnt how to use a number of tools which will come to use when we start to use the application to bring our assignments in.

Also, over the last week I have been trying to get my head around most sections in the delivery requirements such as CGI, HTML and the ‘Web Accessibility Guidelines’. This week I have learnt a great deal about these elements for example, it was not to my knowledge that there are software applications and pc components that were created solely to give computer and internet access to the blind.

This weeks self study tasks are to carry on with the assignment using the time sheets, take on the student agreed form of punishment which is to write 2-5 pages in out sketch books about the ‘Web Accessibility Guidelines’. I will also gather more sources of information to place in my sketch book as I am only half way through (This may seem a lot to some people but I feel as though other class members have done a lot more sketchbook work than I have).


Greg Carrick said...

I also feel that my sketchbook is not as far as everyone else's and I don't have what I feel to be enough inspiration in it.

Shaun Bellis said...

Thank you for the encouraging and supportive remarks regarding my actions. I just hope that the rest of the class see what happened in such a positive and creative manor.

You seam to be progressing very well at the moment and this is reflected both your blog and the project work you have showed me.

Keep up the good work and you will do well.

Michelle Bonfield said...

I think out of all of the people on the course you have surprised me the most. Behind your 'Jack the lad' exterior you are actually a very committed individual, who has a great deal of potential.

I think you should channel your natural confidence and ease at public speaking more in class, don't be afraid to be serious too! It's a real gift and if used constructively will help you excel on this course and in your future career.