Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Running on a Low Tank!!!!

Monday morning a rather different start then our usual morning lecture. Steve approached us with an on the spot task to create approximately 15 business card sketch ideas in our personal designers tool. He then gave us a 15 minute period in which we were to create a chosen business card idea in either PageMaker or InDesign. With a 15 minute time limit I set of to create a fairly simple design out of the ones created. At the end and after gaining feedback I realised that I wasn’t in the right lines of the task as I added extra information such as name tag before the actual representative’s name. For example: Name: Walter M. Wainwright.

After the sudden realisation of the sort of work needed in the design industry (I think, or is the design industry a lot more productive and demanding?) we began with a lecture about 4 principle of design. In this we covered:
- Proximity, which is using related elements in the same location.
- Alignment, which is basically the placement of an element.
- Repetition, which is a strong form of consistency.
- And Contrast, which is what, attracts the eyes of the viewer.

After the lecture we moved on to our current assignment work for a Monday which is A3. During the time in college I began researching the information in which to use in the script of the website build. Although it’s not yet complete, I gained a very good start in which to inform a target audience of 50+ (Silver Surfers).

During the long extended work criteria on Monday night I gained a very valuable lesson. This lesson is to work on feedback as soon as you receive it and get it out of the way as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in the lack of sleep.

Tuesday and a very tired ‘JB’. We began the day with the same task as Monday morning but instead of 15 designs we had to create number of 5 complete with annotations. Knowing the results of Monday and from the feedback gained, I set out to create a suitable business card complete with proximity, Alignment, Repetition and Contrast. As a result of this task I received pretty bad feedback just the same as before. Apparently the text regarding the information about the location of the business and the representative, proposing the card, was too small. Perhaps something I need to work on in the near future.

After the Sudden repeat of a design industry on the spot task we began to work on our image restoration which I think is going rather well if I do say so my self (an image of my progress is located below).

In our seminar groups we had a discussion about our progress in the assignment so far and the tasks needed to be completed for this particular weekly event. For this we needed to have a major amount of our image restoration complete in order for checking and the image compression discussion. So far as I know the image restoration needs to be altered slightly in order for the really small detail to be visible to the human eye. A note from Steve, says that if I can’t gain the right tone for the restored image I will need to start it again and place the restoration elements in a separate layer in Photoshop rather then restoring the actual image. From working on the image after seminar I believe it is completed to a satisfactory level of appreciation (in my view).

Also today (Tuesday) we gained our presentation feedback which we produced on the 1st day back from reading week. As it turns out I am a nervous motor mouth with an obsession for comfort. Due to a sudden print of the hand out after entering the room it appears I was also disorganised.

Task to complete over the week:

- 15 web plan thumbnails and a chosen design in full size (in Sketchbook).
- A digital version of the web plan.
- A completed script.
- 8 comment (something Steve says I need to do for missing out on last week’s deadline).
- And any restoration feedback gained from you guys (If people comment and be truthful).


Tom Smith said...

You... a nervous motor mouth... never!

Apparently I touch my face too much. And have my hands in my pockets. And loads of other things!

I think your restored image is pretty good- I think you've found a good tone for a lot of the colours, particularly the skins.

The one thing I would say is that the image looks kind of grainy. I'm not sure why this is - maybe because you did the amendments straight onto the photo.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hey JB

I am not sure that 'Nervous' motor mouth describes you... perhaps with out the nervous part haha.

The intensive 15 minute design projects were great [even though our work wasn't fantastic].

It was really surprising to see just what can be produced in such as short period of time.
Your image does look really good. The smoke from cig isn't doing it for me.

I think because you have removed the shadows and such the smoke just looks out of place.

I have chosen to remove the cig all together.


Shaun Bellis

Thomas Wealthy said...

Looking at your image restoration I would say you have made a very good job of it so far! I bet it took you a long time to find the perfect colour for skin. Because out of the 16 million odd colours there is only one that can really capture the effect!

I have personally found the fold line and bleach mark the hardest part to take out! I have felt it gets very tedious getting rid of the blemish marks but with a lot of perseverance I managed it.

John Browne said...

Thanks Shaun, appreciate it.....


Andrew said...

When looking at your first photo restoration attempt, it looks real nice from a bit of a distance, but on the zoom it comes out abit grainy. This might be a problem when Steve comes to look at the detail since it is meant to be photographic quality, where as yours looks more like a canvas painting.

I really didn't put you as the type to get nervous about presentations, as during class time you seem to come off as one of the more confident people. I guess different situations put people in different mind frames.

My personal things were that I moved around a little too much, and that I messed around with the handout abit! Preparation is the biggest key for being confident with the presentations, the more prepared you are the more confident you will be about the things you have to talk a bout, in turn relaxing you.

Rebecca Bradley said...

I found Mondays task really usefull as well.

I think that you have made a really good start to restoring your image. I think that you have used some good colour tones in your picture.

Liam Corfield said...

Hey JB

just saying thanks for the hint about opacity of the colours, it helped alot.


James Bell said...

I think the colours that you have chosen for the suits are very realistic and they match the era in which the picture was originally took.

Webomatic said...

Hi All

JB I wouldn’t describe you as nervous at all you always seem upbeat. Also the picture is good; I have smoke on mine though as I still argue it is meant to be there. I think removing the cig would spoil the image of the picture. With the cig you can tell the picture is old and its part of its heritage.

I think the lightness on top of the far right guys arm needs to go I’m not sure if its meant to be there I removed it on my pic.

Thanks, Martyn

Shaun Bellis said...

To Martyn

As a smoker you would say that the image is the focal point.

I have personally removed the cigarette as I feel that although you are right about it giving the image the feel of age, the addition of colour and sharpness removes that anyway; so why have something so old fashioned in photograph?

Mark Torrington said...

I have got to agree with Andrew. Your first photo restoration attempt looks real nice from a distance, but on closer examination appears grainy; this is probably due to the resolution of the scanned image.

The skin tone you have used for the old chap in the middle is superb, however could you add a little more red tones too add some life into the other two.

I guess you have not completed their hair colour yet.

Gary Benn said...

Have you thought about putting a little bit of colour variance in the background. I think this will change the overall feel of the photograph and make it look more natural.

Mark Torrington said...

That’s a good comment Gary. That will also allow contrast between the faces and the background.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.