Tuesday, 15 January 2008

A New Term.

The start of a new term and tension surpassed the average atmosphere in the room. This was in motion with the grades in which we we're to receive from our previous assignment. As it appears I did not pass this time round, but as it was a substantial improvement from the last web design assignment, I have been awarded another chance to set this right. Failure is not an option!

After the grades we're handed out, it was time for business. Steve produced a presentation about the Dreamweaver application. Following the presentation we got down to to some practice in the desktop application. As I have had previous experience in this application it wasn't too difficult to get to a state where I feel comfortable in using it.

Tuesday arrived and with a bit of bad luck, I came down with some sort of cold illness. I think I can stand tall and actually say it is not the man flu that was going around some time ago. But it did in fact cause me to leave college early on the day. Fortunately I managed to appear for the presentation on the upcoming assignments. As a result of this I am hoping to gain back my health s soon as possible and carry on with the work set out for us.

My goals for this term are as follows:

- Produce higher quality work.
- Set mini goals during assignments to manage it more effectively.
- Progress in terms of the sketchbook assignment, not forgetting to insert pieces of inspirational art/design.

As a closing note I would like to thank John and Steve for the encouraging conversation during assignment feedback.


Tom Smith said...

Hope you're feeling better soon JB!

I reckon your idea to set yourself mini goals throughout the assignment is a good basis for getting the work done effectively. Using your production schedule to set tasks to complete each week is a good way to do this in my experience. This way you don't end up with shed loads of work to do right at the end!

Greg Carrick said...

Hope you’re better soon!

It’s good you’re feeling comfortable using Dreamweaver that should be a good advantage.

Like Tom said the mini goals are a good way of getting your work done more effectively.

Like you I need to progress in the sketchbook assignment, I’ve already added loads more inspirational work, which I should have done before, because I have a lot to catch-up on.