Through out reading week I have been appointed with a task which evolves around music. Firstly I was required to listen to the CD Steve gave us last week. The Music on the CD created by a fellow called Russell Mills and the album name is called Undark. Initially the music is of an ambient nature, containing 8 tracks of chilled out, urban street listening. Along side listening to the CD I set out to gain a number of company logos. The result of this is a collection of 40 well known company logo’s just itching for a place in my sketchbook.
Another task was to write a review of the CD I have been listening to. The main intention of the review is to invite the public in with a warm welcoming introduction to the music in review. I feel that I did jus that. With a few lines of overestimated opinions and personal thoughts of the music in motion, I feel that my review drops in to the category of needs for the reviewing world.
This morning arrived with another task for reading week. Firstly, I needed to gain more company logos. But this time I was required to gain logos of a music nature that suites the genre of the artist I was listening to. Unfortunately a mistake was made and I confused my music with electronic, only to realise after collecting 20 logo’s that is was in fact ambient. Because of this I am going to keep all electronic logos and search for another 20 in the ambient genre. Just a small price to pay for an hour wasted.
During the creation of the mood board I took it up on my self to listen to the music, and then look for image on the internet that crawled in to my head. This was created on an A4 spread in Photoshop. The spread took quite some time doing with its insertion in to Photoshop, inserting only a single image at a time. If I were to have done it on paper I think it will have taken me a lot less time then it did do and I would have been able to get more done. Over all I feel that the productivity of this reading week has been slightly poorer then that done during the college term time, as at home there are too many distractions. (Below is an image of the mood board created for the above task).

Things to stand by over the remainder of reading week and the further two weeks break are:
- Continue to collect logo examples and inspirational images to put in my sketchbook.
- Work on A1 - Sketchbook assignment.
- Think about how I can develop my mind maps and mood bored in productive terms towards the new assignment task of creating a CD design.
- Keep in touch with fellow students.
Personal Goals:
- Become more developed in using software applications.
Seems like you've got a similar genre of music as me, especially from your moodboards. It seems to represent mine in some ways also, especially with the rays of light and beams. I think we've lucked out and got pieces with will suit design so well, I know for a fact from the ideas already bubbling around in my head. I'm sure your the same, with your imagination racing at the thought of the designs you could match up with your music.
It looks like you've made a real good effort to really connect with your music, that's really shown by the CD Review. I was quite impressed with it. It'll be weird to compare our music and see how much they actually differ.
Looks like you got alot of inspiration from your CD. I like your mood board. Did you use photoshop? Perhaps you could use layers to build up the images and put fades in. This will allow you to fade between moods and show a gradual change in moods as the CDs continue.
I think your mood board is very effective and has obviously taken much thought and consideration, so stop being so hard on yourself!
Equally, I think your decision to use Photoshop (rather than manually creating the board) will pay off in the long run.Your skills will become refined and more efficient with every piece you produce. So by using it you are developing your software skills and completing the set task at the same time, pretty good going really!
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