Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Evaluation (end of year one)...
The end of year is in clear sight, all the assignments have been handed in and there is a great sense of achievement flowing through the air. I can’t help but feel disappointed that the end of the year has come so quickly and the fun will soon be over till the next college year. I must say that I have really enjoyed everything in the first year, from building a rocket to presenting typography.
A1 - Sketchblog
This assignment to me has been both good and bad. Bad things first, it occasionally felt like a chore, especially if I fell behind at all during an assignment. An example was that I forgot to collect inspirational art work for a number of weeks, and catching up seemed like a job that was going to take forever. All was done though and quite surprisingly the feel of achievement was and is still their along side it.
The thing I like most about this assignment was when it came down to planning during assignments. The whole sketchbook drawing tasks were at a point where it did not matter what your designs appeared like (with in reason). But the idea’s behind, is where it all counted. A task that was really liked in this form was the static banners task for Assignment 6 – Revert to Type. During the creation of the banners, Steve incorporated a timed atmosphere, getting shorter after every design. Such fun was found in doing that, and if I could find my self in such a career that incorporates this type of design technique, then I must say I have found heaven.
Another aspect of this assignment was to create a weekly journal entry showing weekly progression and to gain feedback on designs. I must say that this fulfilled its expectations and provided me with mountains of design feedback, which was all greatly appreciated and taken in to consideration. Some of the suggestions hold the reasons for me passing each assignment, especially in the designed tasks.
A2 – That’s the Plan
This assignment was most probably the hardest for me. Been the first ever assignment at a HND level I found it pretty difficult to adjust to that methods of submission and appearance. Firstly I cannot say that I have ever needed to reference work before, and the amount of research needed as evidence seemed almost impossible to complete. Speaking of difficult, this was the only assignment that I failed on the second hand in. Not good I must add but I believe I made up for this in the second web plan assignment Back to Basics. Other then that I believe that choosing Charles Dickens may not have been the best choice of character, as looking back I do not like the design I created in that web plan. Besides that I remember there not been much to make the web template on, with only a small number of images to work with as inspiration.
A3 – Back to Basics
After failing A2 I knew there was no option but to pass this and my aim was to do it in the first hand in. Unfortunately, I referred the first time but brought it back with taking on the valuable feedback and amending where it was necessary. During this assignment I had mixed feelings on equal measure. There was the frustration that it was a similar task that I had recently failed, the sense of enjoyment working on more technical goals, and annoyance to how the amount of information there was to research. Having a total of 40 computer components made it very time consuming when trying to obtain the right image and find the correct information.
A4 – Image Restoration
This is where the real fun began for me. Not only did we have a black and white image to restore and two static banners to create. But it also allowed me to become more fluent in Photoshop. When entering the course my skills in Photoshop were almost un-existent and this been the first real opportunity to really get my hands dirty was a god send. This has to be the second best assignment during the first year and I feel it to be stupid if no one else feel a similar sense of joy towards it.
A5 - Builder
Building the website from the plan created in A3 could only be known as one hell of a rollercoaster ride. Just as you feel you’re at an all time high, there is a shear drop just around the corner. Inserting all the information and imaging in to Dreamweaver was as easy as riding a bike. But when it reached the validation stages I hit a huge snag. With coding been one of my major weaknesses in this roll of the assignment I found it really difficult to get through it. Also another aspect that was difficult was the form JavaScript. At first I validated the form using Dreamweaver applications only later on I was notified that JavaScript was supposed to be used in this case. Great, more coding and one hell of a task to work around with my in-experience. All was completed though even though I hit the referral mark. Luckily it wasn’t too much to amend.
A6 – Revert to Type
This was quite possibly one of the assignments that came like marmite. Unfortunately there wasn’t as much love as there could have been. The whole building process of the presentation was a huge struggle and the hand out wasn’t any better. Having been given Stanley Morison and the limitations of his work, proved to quite a task. For starters the design of the presentation and handout lacked in inspiration and images able to implement. I did in fact get to really love the presenting part. It was just the building part that was disliked.
The other part of the assignment included timed tasks. These were set up similarly to the banner creations in A4, which really struck my liking. Most of all I really like creating the Vodafone and the Snake Bites advert as I feel the sense of creative typography was at an all time high and the opportunities were almost limitless.
A7 – Wailing Whales
This has by far got to have been the most enjoyable assignment up to date. It really gave me and I believe the class to really dig in to their creativity barrels. First of all there logo design included rough drawings in our sketchbooks and adjustments drawn in from feedback. The logo did take a number of weeks to complete with its ever going colour tryouts but it was all fun.
The CD artwork was by far the best task of the entire year. The creativity was overflowing with the mood boards and mind maps created over the reading week before the assignment start. Gaining a good feel towards the music was also a newly formed skill and something that will be looked at in the very near future.
Class atmosphere
Looking back at past memories and the tasks performed in the first week, it has come clear that everyone is now more then ever part of this group. From lift of with thunderbird one, the height of friendship among fellow students has soared in to high orbit. The trust is getting greater every day and there is nothing I would change among anyone to improve the atmosphere. It really is that perfect in my eyes.
Where would we be with out Steve and John? Admittedly John hasn’t had the biggest role out of the two this year, but sources say that will change at the beginning of next as John joins our group more often and even takes us through an assignment on CSS. That will be something to look forward to. Seminars and lectures have been a vital role through out the course to date. There have been things disliked but its all in the part of learning. I will be looking forward to September when we come back to college to carry on with the remainder of the course, and yet another step in education.
My aim
A short list of thing I will do in time for next year:
- Get a head start on CSS, ready for the upcoming assignment sometime after the summer holiday.
- Keep my creative skills on an all time high by setting my self random design task over the summer.
- Complete the summer assignment as soon as possible, giving me more time and a complete frame of mind to work on my own set random tasks.
A short list of aims for the second year:
- Complete the year with up to 3 merits.
- Complete the year with as little referrals as possible.
- Continue to be optimistic towards the course.
This year has come and gone at light speed. It is almost unbelievable that it is almost nine months since the majority of the HND Interactive Media students of 2007/2008 first met. It has been a real blast working along side everyone and I look forward to doing so very soon. Over all I feel as though I could have done better if a few certain weaknesses of mine were at rest, but as things are what they are. I’m pretty easily distracted, and something will need to be resolved in the very near future. This has really been a great year and something I will not want to forget. So, the end is here, Progress, support, and I have a feeling next year will be even better then this.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Short and Sweet!
It would be a great help if I could gain some feedback for my current CD artwork. My apologies for the CD outer not containing the emit logo. I will sort this in the week when I have resolved the software implication. My artwork can be found in the directory of http://www.j-browne.co.uk/a7
Things to do for this week:
- The usual weekly comments.
- Problem solving with software application issues.
- The amendments of my CD artwork (if any)
- The addition of the emit logo to the CD artwork outer.
- The input of the assignment in to InDesign.
- And finally the evaluation.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Show Time!!!
Through out this week I have been continuing work on the CD designs, and the pre-flight document. But before all this we had a re-cap of a past lecture on print work. Don’t get me wrong, but I feel both glad, and disappointed at the same time with this. The glad feeling draws its way up from having a second chance to look over this lecture and pick out any valuable points I may have missed the first time round. While the disappointment came from wanting to crack on with my designs and pre-flight material with no hold back.
After lunch on Monday I took the time to research in to the pre-flight task. By doing so I found out quite a lot about what it is, what it does, and the type of questions and checks it contains. Pre-flight comes from a pilot term for checks that occur before a plane is ready to take flight, clever huh?
The pre-flight document I have been creating contains mostly checks for my self and information boxes that will contain data on where to find each file, colour codes etc. I believe I will have this at a completed state further on in the week.
Through out today (Tuesday) I have been working on my CD artwork. The position of the information I need to put is pretty obvious with its location. But finding the correct place to fit in the emit logo is proving to be a tricky task. I so want to add the gradient used in the CD artwork using Photoshop but I believe that would go against me in this particular assignment. Talk of rasterizing the logo in Photoshop were advised to me by Steve, but for some reason Photoshop will not allow me to select the option to rasterize on the EPS file.
I will have to add my CD art work on to the forum for feedback ASAP to gain full advantage of the sources available to us. I feel as though I want my days of referring assignments to be over. So its show time!
Over the following week I plan to:
- Carry on with my CD artwork.
- Complete my pre-flight document.
- Stand by the weekly addition of journal comments.
- Keep in touch with my seminar groups as the pre-flight document is planned as a group activity.
- And start planning towards the evaluation of the assignment.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Presenting with Satisfaction!!!
On Monday a selected few were require to re-do the typography presentation, due to not meeting specific standards the first time round. I was among that selected few as I presented it in a mere 3 minutes and 30 seconds. This time was slightly better then before but still not good enough. The result of this was another go at it on Tuesday morning, one on one with Steve rather then in front of the whole class, like on Monday. This time I managed to present the information bang on 5 minutes and 30 seconds which I believe is the border line for error. Another thing needed to do after the presentation was to answer 10 random generated questions about typography. Not been able to answer ten out of ten, during the course of presenting on Monday, meant on Tuesday I was asked the questions I got wrong. Gladly I answered them right away, which is an achievement considering we were none the wiser about what was in store for us on Tuesday morning. This brings me to think that been on the spot make me more likely to feel a sense of nervousness causing intelligence to wither away.
The next part of Tuesday required me to re-create the CD artwork I had previously created as I made what some call a simply, common mistake. What I had done was create the artwork at 300dpcm (dots per centimetre) when I should have actually created it at 300dpi (dots per inch). So the remainder of the day was to completely recreate the work from the previous day. Not some thing I was best pleased with but I suppose its all in the process of learning.
Finally, in our seminar groups this week we talked about unfinished logo designs (if there we’re any), current CD artwork, the upcoming of the pre-flight document and the understanding of A1.
It appears that the design of my CD artwork shows creativity that is required for the learning out comes. But it’s quite possible that I may run in to a few problems when trying to change it to 4 colours for printing. For this I have been advised to do a ‘Gamut Warning’ test in Photoshop.
It is an understanding that the pre-flight document in merely a check list for both designer and printer to abide by while printing out the requested work. It has been decided that team beta will take this on as a group activity to be completed by the next seminar discussion.
To summarise, I feel that I have overcome an obstacle this week, with the mistake made at the beginning of the CD design. By making the mistake in the first place I feel that I need to be more wary towards instructions and make sure I fully understand what I am required to do before starting a task.
Having the chance to redo the presentation has made me realise that they are fairly simple and that I kind of like to present. Having this 2nd chance to perform an already performed task made me feel right at home with my nervous suddenly disappearing as soon as I stood attention at the front of the class.
To complete this entry, below are a few tasks I’m going to carry on with through out the course of the week.
- Produce more on screen CD artwork.
- Complete referral work on the web building assignment.
- Produce the standard weekly journal comments.
- And research in to the pre-flight document to gain a better understanding for the group activity on Monday.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
The Sweet Smell of Progression!!
During Monday I received feedback from the Assignment 6 Revert to Type. As it turns out I need to re-present my presentation, change the over all design of my hand out, and revise the terminologies of type. Not a great deal to do in terms of designing, but the revision may take some time as it will need to be completely understood round for the concluding part of the presentation. As mentioned in an earlier entry it appears I yet again revved up my engines and did a flat out performance with my over rated motor mouth. The result of this meant a supposed five minute presentation was presented in only three and a half minutes. Nerves are some times a factor so all I can do is go out there and try to stay calm as the situation must appear like a regular thing.
Back on to the designs of the current assignment. In our seminar groups we were asked to rethink our production schedule as our previous tumbled attempt haunted us this week with the logo design not been fully completed by the group. When this was complete, the discussion on our current progress commenced. The work I took in to show was the very nearly completed logo designs I have completed and three on screen ideas for the CD case design. Through feedback, a chosen logo was selected with a few minor alterations suggested. Also a bright spark idea from Steve arose, which insisted that I try and implement all three designs in to one as all show a certain part of the creativeness needed for the marking criteria. This will take a lot of thought and some hard timed graft to get perfect, but I intend to complete it for next week so I can gain feedback before moving on to the insides of the design.
Self study this week will consist of:
- The revision of typographic terminologies.
- A redesign of the Stanley Morison hand out.
- A redesign of the Hokai paint tube (by choice).
- The implementation of three CD designs brought in to one.
- The finishing touch to the Emit logo.
- And the general weekly commenting.
For those of you that want to see the final design to the Emit logo I have created. I will post in a following entry a visual.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Colour Testing...
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
The Fun of Design...
At around 10:30, the lecture came to a halt for a presented visit from Mark Feathers, who is a former student on this course. While here he talked about his newly found job in the design industry and how much better it is compared to his previous place of work. It appears yet again another visitor has stated a sense of freedom when working in this industry. Mark also took time in showing us some of the work he’s created over the past few months. The work shown wasn’t so major but still seemed to be way ahead of my current state.
After an hours break for dinner, it was back in to the class for a second go of lecture to teach us some more about Freehand. Over this section of the tutorial we were taught about such things as the assets tab and pantone colours included in the software application. Over all lecture learnt me a great deal, although it is fairly similar to Photoshop, containing only a few slight changes in appearance and tools provided.
After this, it was time for a talk with John. We talked about my current state and progress on the course, and if my thoughts were still the same as compared to when I started the course and posted my first journal entry. It appears that I have a slight change in where compared to previous times. Over the previous months I’ve learnt that I enjoy most aspects of the course, but am more drawn in to web design, and the new assignment of creating a new record label cover. Another thing talked about was our current progression on A7, which at the time I was gaining feedback on alterations of previous designs. Hopefully soon I will be able to get my creative jaws in to a smooth bite of the CD cover.
Tuesday morning was pretty much a get on with it day and the progression on logo design carried on with a slow and steady flow. During the course of the day I have been playing around with more logo alterations trying to get them all together for seminar groups in the afternoon.
I walked in to the seminar room with a total 76 logo ideas. The idea of this was so that I would have a lot of choice for feedback, and to keep A1 intact at the same time. It’s now official that I am on my final design as a chosen was drawn to Steve’s attention. Now all I need to do for the logo design task is to manipulate it ever so slightly and test it with a number of colours. I will post the colours I’ve tested in a following journal entry, to gain feedback on what I have done so far, and to possibly fixate myself on the colours available.
So this weeks self study will consist of:
- Gaining feedback for logo designs.
- Generating ideas for the CD cover design using a series of mind maps and mood boards created over reading week.
- Commenting on other journal entries.
- Inspirational search and annotation for A1
Friday, 4 April 2008
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Block Strikes Again!!!
After the visit we were advised to crack on with some designs in our logos, using the work from reading week as inspiration. Over the last hours or so I only managed to dish out 6 logo ideas. Not a brilliant start I must add, but Tuesday was more productive.
First thing on Tuesday, we had another lecture on logos. Only this was about the Peace symbol, its founders and a reconstruction. As a timed task we were asked to get in groups and re-design the peace symbol. Equally the group provided a huge amount of effort during the reconstruction by dishing out a number of ideas. After the idea’s time had expired we put all our sketchbooks together and had a majority vote for the final creation. The final choice was very similar to the original, only it contained the company initials, the word peace, and some rounded arrows to signify world coverage. After putting all this together, the group was required to present the creation to the rest of the class, in a manner of understanding the design and the terminologies learnt in yesterdays lecture. The terminologies are Shape, Presence, Weight and contrast. Each of these terminologies play a vital role when designing a new logo and can define the difference between success and complete failure.
For the rest of the day it was back to designing more logos. Due to the production schedule plan we created yesterday, we have until next Tuesday to have a fully completed logo to a professional standard. In seminar groups Steve drew out that it may take longer then a week to complete the logo design task. So, the following week will require lots of creativity, and a huge amount of feedback. So I guess Blogger and das forum will be receiving a lot of hammer over the next week or so. Unfortunately at a certain time of today I received a blind boot from designers block. I’ve manage to create 24 logo ideas which will be posted on a journal following this one. So, over the following week I will:
- Produce pages of logo ideas for the redesign of the emit logo.
- Find more inspiration towards the assignment.
- Keep on track with the weekly journal comments.
- Gather as much feedback as possible.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Reading Week - Summary
Through out reading week I have been appointed with a task which evolves around music. Firstly I was required to listen to the CD Steve gave us last week. The Music on the CD created by a fellow called Russell Mills and the album name is called Undark. Initially the music is of an ambient nature, containing 8 tracks of chilled out, urban street listening. Along side listening to the CD I set out to gain a number of company logos. The result of this is a collection of 40 well known company logo’s just itching for a place in my sketchbook.
Another task was to write a review of the CD I have been listening to. The main intention of the review is to invite the public in with a warm welcoming introduction to the music in review. I feel that I did jus that. With a few lines of overestimated opinions and personal thoughts of the music in motion, I feel that my review drops in to the category of needs for the reviewing world.
This morning arrived with another task for reading week. Firstly, I needed to gain more company logos. But this time I was required to gain logos of a music nature that suites the genre of the artist I was listening to. Unfortunately a mistake was made and I confused my music with electronic, only to realise after collecting 20 logo’s that is was in fact ambient. Because of this I am going to keep all electronic logos and search for another 20 in the ambient genre. Just a small price to pay for an hour wasted.
During the creation of the mood board I took it up on my self to listen to the music, and then look for image on the internet that crawled in to my head. This was created on an A4 spread in Photoshop. The spread took quite some time doing with its insertion in to Photoshop, inserting only a single image at a time. If I were to have done it on paper I think it will have taken me a lot less time then it did do and I would have been able to get more done. Over all I feel that the productivity of this reading week has been slightly poorer then that done during the college term time, as at home there are too many distractions. (Below is an image of the mood board created for the above task).

Things to stand by over the remainder of reading week and the further two weeks break are:
- Continue to collect logo examples and inspirational images to put in my sketchbook.
- Work on A1 - Sketchbook assignment.
- Think about how I can develop my mind maps and mood bored in productive terms towards the new assignment task of creating a CD design.
- Keep in touch with fellow students.
Personal Goals:
- Become more developed in using software applications.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Reading Week Task - Music Review!
Russell Mills & Undark Review
The astounding sounds of the pair will knock your socks of and drop you right in the centre of Suburbia, were the streets are cold and the action is hot. This all time chilled out action compilation is enough to invite the mean streets of the movies for some fun time swinging on your earlobes. But don’t be fooled! This is a mixture that will send your emotions soaring in every direction with the sole intention of drowning in the real world.
From a very dominant start of vibrant pulses and light subdominant vocals. The work of the artists builds in to a steady moving stroll of the streets, manoeuvring over progression, in motion, failure and completion of a mission. Or so it seems, the mutual bond between listeners and sound, falls in with a different aspect as it moves down the line.
As I sit and listen, I feel the objective of the artists production was intended to hit the box office in some form of action thriller. The way that it is produced and organised, gives an impression of preparation, action, loss, more preparation and a victorious/dominant ending. Another theory is that it was created intentionally to give out the street wise impression or produce a glimpse overlay of the hardcore working life of the real labourers.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
A6 Evaluation...
Over the last 6 weeks I have been researching in to the life and work of Stanley Morison. Stanley is a famous Typographer who changed the world to how we see it today. Not only did he resurrect a few past fonts but he also created and supervised font we still use today, like Times New Roman. This is one of the standard fonts used in Microsoft applications such as word.
During the first few weeks I fell behind a little bit when dealing with referral work from the previous assignments Back to Basics, and Image Rights. When I finally got them out of the way, I set of to producing my presentation with the handout placed with 2nd priority. The first presentation design was all about Stanley’s life and the work he did. This was ok for the start, but not enough was mentioned in the typography side. Another issue was that the 1st presentation apparently looked similar to another student’s who was researching the same character, so that design had to be scrapped and a new idea was formed. The new idea was to place a hot metal machine in the bottom right corner and have a 3 pixel width line under the heading of every page.
With the handout having 2nd priority it seemed to lack in context on the seminar date it was due. Only the draft of it was required, but I had created only a black and white design with Lorem Ipsum counting up to 500 words. The final idea that I handed in today, had a completely grey background, information on Stanley’s life, work and it even held a few useful links in which to look information on the named character. The first hand out I printed of to take in to the presentation with me, had a different colour grey compared to the back ground colour grey. At 1st I thought it was a design fault, but when I printed it of again in class, it looked perfect. Which means the printer in the library doesn’t like the colours I created for the handout.
Other elements of the assignment were the timed tasks. During the first timed task everything was going riot. We had to make a book cover for font styles I believe it was. For this I created a hugely contrasted design, with a black background and yellow text. Although, it didn’t count too much because mine was one of the designs that didn’t make it to the desk in time for hand in. In fact there were quite a few students that didn’t get there in time. Luckily this was just a practise run to get us in the swing of things, so it wasn’t too disappointing to realise I’d not completed the task correctly.
The Second timed task was to create a paint label for a company called Hokai. This task went a lot better compared to the font book task. From reading through my journal entries, it appears I finished the task with 20 minutes to spare. But with the design been complete to a satisfactory finish, I decided to use the remainder of the time working on the research for my presentation.
The third timed task was to design and create a Vodafone job advertisement. For this I made a vast improvement on my hand in time, completing the task 35 minutes before I was required to. The finished design consisted of a 1 column advert, containing the Vodafone logo at the very bottom, a line to break the headed away from the body text and large style header set to bold for more impact.
In the fourth timed task we had to create a tabloid entry posted about Jonathan Gee and his band on there tours around the UK (including Wakefield). This task was harder than the earlier ones, making the completed state and hand in just minutes before the headline. Lining up the text was the hardest part, as I did not fully understand all of the relevant tools in Indesign. If I understood exactly where the leading button was located, I feel that the task much have been completed a little earlier. Along side this I difficulty with the location of the text, with out providing a huge amount of white space. This caused me to create a pull out feature in which you enlarge a section of the story above the paragraph it lies in to catch the reader's attention and remove white space.
Moving on with the progression of the timed tasks. It was today that we received our final one for this assignment. Today’s timed task came in two parts. There was the page design, and the insertion of its content and image. During the first part of the task I was finding it pretty difficult to provide a suitable layout, not knowing what was going to be in it. At first I designed a combination of two rows and 6 columns. During the on screen build I was advised that two rows wasn’t the correct way to do this task. From this I amended the design to have three full length columns right down the page. Along side this was a black and white banner arrangement in order to give a bold statement about the design. Also I used a white text on a black background appearance on the footer to show the production name, issue date and the issue number.
The second part of this task was to insert the information and place an image, while sticking with a typographic design. From the implementations in the first part of the task I was able to shrink and crop the image to make it cover 2 columns width and about half a column length. Next was the tricky part. I needed to line up the text in every column to show consistency. After much effort of trying to implement this, I came up with a solution. By changing the font size to 9pt, inserting a pull out, and using the leading option I was able to line all three columns up with out any white space. This task was finished 5 minutes before the hand in time.
Over all in this assignment I have learnt a great deal about typography. Sure I got around 3 questions wrong at the end of the presentation, but I feel confident when it comes to talking about most aspects found with in a font style and design. My first thought about the assignment were very bland, as researching a typographer didn’t seem that relevant. But through out the unit it came clear to how much a font can be used to aid design, and how design can be used to aid font. Before I would look at a computer screen and chose a preferred font style not even thinking about how the readability will affect the viewers. I wouldn’t even think about the design and work put in to creating the fonts. And I definitely didn’t know that nearly all fonts have different appearances, even those that look the same.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Tired of Illness...
A few more things still need to be changed in order to complete this. These things are the browser chrome colour and the images. Instead of using part of an image, I made them all smaller to fit in to the space provided on each page.
Tuesday started with a little time to play about with our presentations before moving on to the timed task. This timed task was about an article regarding ‘Jonathon Gee’. This was a little more difficult compared to the previous weeks, completing the task just minutes before the hand in. Each of the previous timed task are said to be practice work, building up to the main project next week on the assignment hand in day. I am both worried and excited about next week. The worry comes from the precise measurements we need to take on for next week, practically making the design as much like the completed state as possible. The excitement comes from the fact that I find the timed tasks some what enjoyable and the outcomes can be really appreciated.
The afternoon of Tuesday was spent working on the presentation yet again. I am getting to the stages where I feel satisfied with the state of the presentation. All that is needed to do on this now is a little more work on the comparison of the times font line. It does seem to be quite difficult as the typographer made the typefaces so similar, with only miner changes in the style.
So, things I need to do this week:
- Complete the image task on the website.
- Add browser chrome colour.
- Centre the links (Steve suggests).
- Complete the rest of the comparisons on the presentation.
- Incorporate the final parts of the presentation in to the hand out.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Frustration and the Fun Times!!!
Many websites created are fantastic, and I really feel as though my design is no longer working for the website. Perhaps it’s looking at others work and liking what’s in front of you and suddenly falling out with your idea, or maybe its sum psychological feeling that every one gets while looking at other work. After gaining the feedback I immediately replaced my splash page with a suitable home page, containing a welcome message and links to all sections of the website. Other then the splash page there was a few spelling errors, and complaints on the pictures been a little too small. As a result, I have linked all the images to a larger form of its self which can be reached up on clicking the image on the website. The rest of the day was used up by proof reading every page in search of other errors and links testing.
Tuesday – The fun stuff.
Today we had another timed task which was due just two hours after been handed out. The task was to create a typographic solution to a job advertisement for Vodafone. During the planning process I only managed to create 2 designs as I planned to stick with the time plan I created at the very beginning. For this I gave myself 1 hour to complete the onscreen design and the remaining half hour for feedback and error checking. As the production progressed I was second (I think) to handing in the completed design 35 minutes before the hand in time. This for me is some what of a shock as I been pretty much struggling for some time now.
Struggling caused me to question Steve about moving on to the HNC, but after some encouraging words of my improvement from Steve, I think its worth one more shot to get out of this tight situation.
The afternoon came along and I had just started the build of my presentation. Before going in to seminars for a practice run I managed to complete around 4 slides. This is somewhat short and will need quite a bit of work. Also I will need to complete the hand out I am creating, which is half done at present.
After the seminar group, I have been researching away to find the differences between the fonts created by Stanley Morison. This is somewhat of a difficult task because the fonts are so similar and the differences are very marginal. Luckily I completed my website during the half term break, which gives me more time to buff up A6. I do still need to test the website a little more and produce an evaluation explaining all the problems I encountered in the build of the website. With so much work piling up on me, I lost site of errors and carried on with the work in front of me, ignoring to take screen prints of my problems. Luckily I remember all the problems I had, so the evaluation shouldn’t be too difficult.
So this week I need to:
- Complete the presentation and begin to practice it ASAP.
- Complete the handout.
- Test my website on the target audience.
- Test my website in all browsers in my project goals.
- And the usual weekly blog comments
Monday, 11 February 2008

Friday, 8 February 2008
Image Restoration!!!!!!
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
The fun of design!!
Tuesday morning and a timed task arrived. Oh what fun it was to crack on with 2 hours worth of decent craft, working to a time limit. The task was to create a typographic solution for a company called Hokai Oriental Gouache that make a profit from selling tubes of paint. We were allowed to choose one additional colour to add to the design along with black and white as the standards. For the task I chose to use the colour red and implement it in to the text on the label. Compared to the previous test in this sort of working environment, this time went one million times better. Instead of creating six full sized designs in detail I jumped straight into the rough side of sketching. Doing this allowed me enough time to create one fully sketched design out of the rough sketches, research the requirements, and 20 minutes at the end to print my design out in colour.
This week I gained feedback for A4 Image Rights, which need a hell of a lot of work in order to pass. With just under 2 weeks before the designated hand in, I am required to:
- Re-restore the restoration image.
- Reword most of the TDR essay.
- Change a few things in the Image Compression essay.
- Include the compression images in the assignment.
- Include graphs to show my finding on image compression.
- And create an evaluation of my work and the progress I am making on the course.
Along side this I am still required to carry on with the website build, and the presentation assignments. This upcoming week is half term week which I intend to take full advantage of, so I can complete as much work as I possibly can.
On a final note I thank Steve, John and all the students for another great half term. I look forward to completing the current assignments and coming back to start another. See you all after half term week.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
The Force of Typography is with in!!!
In the later time of the day I was called in for assignment feedback on A3. John went through a few things that I immediately altered and reprinted. Let’s hope for a pass.
After feedback I was still tampering with the DWT. For some reason when I was changing the links in the DWT file, it was not updating to any of the pages. The rest of the day was spent trying to get this right, with no luck so far.
Tuesday and it was a late start. Steve went to the Huddersfield with four other students to see Dave Panell, at the design mechanics. We were advised to come in for 1 o’clock and carry on with our presentation work that morning. Upon arrival to the class, we gained some more useful knowledge from one of Steve’s lectures. The lecture was about ‘Type Anatomy’, which is very helpful toward the presentation assignment.
During seminar it became clear that I talked a little too much about the life of Stanley Morison, rather then the font types he created and restored. Another factor was the design; apparently it seems a little familiar with another students work. So I will be changing the design of the presentation over the week. Other valuable feedback in seminar groups was that we can compare typefaces in our presentation and explain any differences if any are found. As I have Stanley Morison I believe that will be a fairly difficult task to concur.
The rest of the afternoon involved looking for all the font styles associated with Stanley Morison and the difference’s I saw between them. So far I have noticed one slight difference in the way the ‘counter’ in some letters is slightly bigger in its own way.
So this week will be a busy week.
- Complete the 1st draft of my hand out ready for seminar group.
- Cary on with the build of the website, concurring all overcoming problems
- Design a new presentation layout
- Insert more information about the typefaces created by the typographer given.
- Make the general weekly amount of journal comments or beat it.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Recovery Point!!!
For this half hour I took the time to continue with the referral work on A3 which is now finally complete (Thank god). Now it time to get on with the fun stuff. The build of course, as this is one of the best parts of the course yet. With an already experienced mind on the matter I plan to crack on with the project immediately in order to gain a slight distanced lead against the assignment brief. That way I will be able to crack on with A4 – Image Restoration feedback and not have to worry about falling behind on the current project.
Tuesday struck and at 1st I had a slight doubt in matter about whether I was going to make it before the 9 o’clock lock up time. This lead to a light comment from Steve about appearing alert and ready for the job when entering the classroom (I think that was aimed at me, but I could be wrong). Following a lecture about more Typography we fired up the machines to get on with the presentation assignment on a famous typographer. But wait! Immediately after opening the IE application to gain more research, we were prompt to shut down out computers and begin a timed task on typography. This involved creating a book cover on the various different fonts out there. At only 10:40 am we had an hour and 20 minutes to crack on with the job. After running the Olympic printer run for a colour copy of my design it was in fact too late to hand in the deign as the 12 noon deadline was narrowly missed. But luckily this was only a practice run to get us in the mood for future preferences.
Following the time task and lunch we carried on with our work on the presentation. For this project I have been given Stanley Morison, the creator of Times font styles and Blado. At the moment I am a little frustrating at the amount of research I have gained, and how much I will need for the presentation. Stanley really seems like a difficult person to research on as I have had no luck what so ever on finding anything about the companies he actually worked. I was hoping to perhaps get my hands on an article he produced or some information as to how he came up with the font styles. The long winding road awaits.
Seminar this week was a wake up call for the sketchbook assignment. It appears the majority of the class has let it slip a little through focusing completely on the other assignments. I for one do not personally know the learning out comes which is something that was said to be essential in the assignment in order to pass it.
So for this week I have a lot of work to be getting on with. So here we go, this is what I need to do:
- Read the learning out comes of Unit 4 and be sure that I understand them.
- Produce a draft presentation for next Tuesday’s seminar group.
- Manipulate all the images for A5, ready to be placed in Dreamweaver.
- Gain more inspirational images for my sketchbook and fully annotate.
- And produce 4 journal comments on other students journal entry.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
A New Term.
After the grades we're handed out, it was time for business. Steve produced a presentation about the Dreamweaver application. Following the presentation we got down to to some practice in the desktop application. As I have had previous experience in this application it wasn't too difficult to get to a state where I feel comfortable in using it.
Tuesday arrived and with a bit of bad luck, I came down with some sort of cold illness. I think I can stand tall and actually say it is not the man flu that was going around some time ago. But it did in fact cause me to leave college early on the day. Fortunately I managed to appear for the presentation on the upcoming assignments. As a result of this I am hoping to gain back my health s soon as possible and carry on with the work set out for us.
My goals for this term are as follows:
- Produce higher quality work.
- Set mini goals during assignments to manage it more effectively.
- Progress in terms of the sketchbook assignment, not forgetting to insert pieces of inspirational art/design.
As a closing note I would like to thank John and Steve for the encouraging conversation during assignment feedback.