I would liek you to pelase incorperate a scroll bar if you are going to have one so that users can scroll down the page to view the diferent terms. Else you are planning on making another bunch of links to click on which brings the user to the desired infomation?
I get that you are going for a simple look to back up the idea of back to basic and I like your drawing of the computer.
I would serously advise you to try and create the same effect in Photoshop using a digital font. This is because people who do not know the brief may mistake your intensions.
Other than that I think its good I think that your colour scheme of White and Blue is great.
Hey JB
The first think that I have noticed is that there is no clear spacing between the menu items.
Additionally I do not think its wise to use abreviations such as "Data Coms" as the target audiance might have problems understanding this.
I understand where you are coming from with the repetition of the menu at the bottom though.
Hey JB
The first think that I have noticed is that there is no clear spacing between the menu items.
Additionally I do not think its wise to use abbreviations such as "Data Coms" as the target audience might have problems understanding this.
I understand where you are coming from with the repetition of the menu at the bottom though.
Other than that, at first glance you're on the right track.
I would liek you to pelase incorperate a scroll bar if you are going to have one so that users can scroll down the page to view the diferent terms. Else you are planning on making another bunch of links to click on which brings the user to the desired infomation?
Thanks, Martyn
I get that you are going for a simple look to back up the idea of back to basic and I like your drawing of the computer.
I would serously advise you to try and create the same effect in Photoshop using a digital font. This is because people who do not know the brief may mistake your intensions.
Other than that I think its good I think that your colour scheme of White and Blue is great.
I like the idea of your banner, a simple image, nothing too overboard. The amendments you've made are good, they suit your target audience.
Nice work!
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