Through out the term the course has shown all aspects that are possibly part of the design industry. These are emotional feelings towards work/own designs, friendliness of co-workers (students), a better understanding of the performance needed, more experience in various programs and the frustration it can all lead up to.
Over all this is by far the best, friendliest, and hardest working environment I have ever faced up to this present time. The over all amount of work needed to complete each assignment is outstanding compared to previous courses and can only be described as a good thing, and often known as a challenge.
Through out the last 4 months I have seen all the different types of moods shown by each of the students. Some moods were good and the others bad. But the main thing is that we have all stood aside each other in this difficult and nauseating time.
On a personal level I would like to thank Steve and John for the guidance and valuable experiences this term. And I would also like to thank all the students that have made this time more valuable then I could ever imagine.
From the completion of the latest assignments I can honestly say I have learnt a great deal, even though some of the work seemed as though we were replaying previous tasks from A2. The more informative part of the assignment this time round was the content of the WebPages, as this was something newly added, that is a differentiated asset from A2.
A4 so far is by far the most enjoyable assignment during the 1st term at the HND class. This is due to the designing part, as most of the other assignments were mainly written. Completing the image restoration gave me an immense boost in the Photoshop application, by its demonstration of the tools hosted. Through out the restoration I became very aware of a lot of tools and task that could be created in and by this advance piece of software.
A bright idea produced by Steve was to issue us with a time limited task in creating banners at a professional level. This allowed me (and I’m sure others) to produce a mass number of designs in the time allocated. The completion of these designs were very satisfying, mostly looking back at the ‘Tina May’ banner I created. In my eyes this appeared to me to be by far the best design work I have ever completed.
Looking back towards the 1st journal entry I produced in September, it appears that my knowledge and evaluative experience had greatly increased in terms of wording and productivity. This is to my knowledge a key asset to becoming a progressing designer.
After the full term break we will be progressing onto the build of the A3 web plan. This is in my opinion a very good task to begin as creating a website in Dreamweaver is something to complete that I finally have experience with. Through out the build I have a number of goals that I aim to stand by. In the result of not sticking with these goals, it will only show a state of failure in which I will have shown signs of underestimation. So now I will leave a list of the goals I am planning to stick by and improve during the next term and towards the end of the completing year.
- Improve my workings in the assignment template.
- Show more creativity with progressing ideas.
- Use my current knowledge and progress further.
- Carry on planning my time efficiently and effectively.
- Become more responsive towards email replying and journal commenting.
- And to keep on producing a good standard of evaluating journal entries.
P.S Merry Crimbo every one :D
Friday, 21 December 2007
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
A Brighter Reality!!!
This week has seemed very satisfying and rewarding in both the work load, and the gains of new experience. I speak of this as the A3 assignment is nearly to a complete state (excluding a few images, the assets list, some references and a few amendments pointed out in seminar). Another thing that has lifted the feeling this week is the amount of image feedback in the permission state of the assets. My images have come from a number of sources, complete with licensing and permission. 1 of the website I gained feed back from was IBM. This may not have been an email of permission, but it did appoint me to 1 of its website pages in which contained a permission of use form. Very satisfying is the feeling when gaining feedback from a professional company. Another site I gained feed back from was This was in relation to a price of a professionally made website sold in the industry. This information was needed in order to gain a general knowledge of what price could be included in the price list of A3.
A4 hasn’t been worked on a great deal this last week as I’ve been concentrating mainly on A3. At the state of its current form, it only really needs a few amendments, a little feedback and an evaluation, not forgetting to actually place it all in to ‘InDesign’ also. Today I’ve mainly been working on the banner creations for A4. During the time spent on this I believe I’ve learnt a great deal more in Photoshop and the general layouts of a banner in forms of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.
A downside to today was that I accidentally over slept, which made me late for class. As a result to not having Steve’s number saved in my phone book, I was unable to get in touch with him to let him know I was going to be late. This meant I spent the morning part of class self studying in the library (not the greatest thing in the world I might add). From this unforeseen misfortune, I have only managed to gain the number in which will prevent me from been sent out of class in the event of this ever happening again in future (thanks Michelle).
Now that this week has been talked about here are a few tasks I am required to do this week in self study:
- Amend errors in A3
- Complete referencing
- Gain remainder of pictures needed and complete assets list
- Gain feedback for the banner creations when amended
- Comment on 6 other students journal entries
- And ensure A4 is inserted into InDesign complete with referencing
A4 hasn’t been worked on a great deal this last week as I’ve been concentrating mainly on A3. At the state of its current form, it only really needs a few amendments, a little feedback and an evaluation, not forgetting to actually place it all in to ‘InDesign’ also. Today I’ve mainly been working on the banner creations for A4. During the time spent on this I believe I’ve learnt a great deal more in Photoshop and the general layouts of a banner in forms of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.
A downside to today was that I accidentally over slept, which made me late for class. As a result to not having Steve’s number saved in my phone book, I was unable to get in touch with him to let him know I was going to be late. This meant I spent the morning part of class self studying in the library (not the greatest thing in the world I might add). From this unforeseen misfortune, I have only managed to gain the number in which will prevent me from been sent out of class in the event of this ever happening again in future (thanks Michelle).
Now that this week has been talked about here are a few tasks I am required to do this week in self study:
- Amend errors in A3
- Complete referencing
- Gain remainder of pictures needed and complete assets list
- Gain feedback for the banner creations when amended
- Comment on 6 other students journal entries
- And ensure A4 is inserted into InDesign complete with referencing
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Banner Progress!!!
Here are the results of further feedback comments. Michelle, im affraid your previous comment was not able to be ammended as the image of Jonathon Gee is how you see it. There is no more image above the hair line that is seen. Please take time in commenting on these designs....
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Screen Design Update.!!!
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Harsh Reality!!!
As a result of completely failing assignment A2, it has come aware that play time is over. This course has already lost too many students and I don’t intend for me to be the next disappointing asset in the journey to becoming a designer. Early this week we leant that one of out fellow students had a change of heart about his path in life. This led to an upsetting moment where Tom Wealthy decided to leave this career path in order to pursuit another. Some may feel disappointed, some may feel lost for words, but I feel it is best to just be happy with the decision made by Tom. Cya later buddy, Good luck.
From failing the assignment, that’s The Plan, I can only gain a better understanding of what needed to be included in an assignment for future references. From this unfortunate event, I now plan to improve a great deal in order to pass A3 with flying colours. Been on this course means a lot to me and it would be a great loss if I were not able to complete it for what ever reason.
A3- Up to press I believe I’m on the merge of improving my self as we have 2 weeks in order for me to complete the assets list, budget statement, evaluation and the design feedback. This may seem like a lot to some people but it is as simple as it comes. This could be completed with college time alone provided I knuckle down to the task. But this is something I’m not going to do, as I plan to take full advantage of my home study time, which will give me a lot of progress in this assignment. After completing what I have to do I can only brush up on what I have done in order to get that mark I am aiming for.
A4- The last task as I noticed began to bring out the creative flare in most people. This was the image restoration task. Up to press I have completed it except for one minor fault. It seems to look a little grainy (stated by Andrew Whelan) when up close. So far in my recent attempts it has proved useless in getting this right. I’ve played with just about every setting I can think of and nothing seems to work. Any advice or tips will be a great help on that one, Thanks.
Today we started the banner task. In this task we are required to create a Skyscraper and a Medium Rectangle banner. The theme in which to create these 2 styles of banners we’re given to us by Steve in the form of 5 photographic images. With these images we are required to only use 2, and incorporate them in to the design, being careful not to damage or change any part of the actual image.
The tasks to complete for this weeks home study are:
- Read and comment on at least 4 other students’ journal entries.
- Complete the assets list.
- Design feedback (Images are below if any one wants to leave a comment).
- Budget Statement.
- And the 2 banners.
From failing the assignment, that’s The Plan, I can only gain a better understanding of what needed to be included in an assignment for future references. From this unfortunate event, I now plan to improve a great deal in order to pass A3 with flying colours. Been on this course means a lot to me and it would be a great loss if I were not able to complete it for what ever reason.
A3- Up to press I believe I’m on the merge of improving my self as we have 2 weeks in order for me to complete the assets list, budget statement, evaluation and the design feedback. This may seem like a lot to some people but it is as simple as it comes. This could be completed with college time alone provided I knuckle down to the task. But this is something I’m not going to do, as I plan to take full advantage of my home study time, which will give me a lot of progress in this assignment. After completing what I have to do I can only brush up on what I have done in order to get that mark I am aiming for.
A4- The last task as I noticed began to bring out the creative flare in most people. This was the image restoration task. Up to press I have completed it except for one minor fault. It seems to look a little grainy (stated by Andrew Whelan) when up close. So far in my recent attempts it has proved useless in getting this right. I’ve played with just about every setting I can think of and nothing seems to work. Any advice or tips will be a great help on that one, Thanks.
Today we started the banner task. In this task we are required to create a Skyscraper and a Medium Rectangle banner. The theme in which to create these 2 styles of banners we’re given to us by Steve in the form of 5 photographic images. With these images we are required to only use 2, and incorporate them in to the design, being careful not to damage or change any part of the actual image.
The tasks to complete for this weeks home study are:
- Read and comment on at least 4 other students’ journal entries.
- Complete the assets list.
- Design feedback (Images are below if any one wants to leave a comment).
- Budget Statement.
- And the 2 banners.
Web Template-A3!!!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Running on a Low Tank!!!!
Monday morning a rather different start then our usual morning lecture. Steve approached us with an on the spot task to create approximately 15 business card sketch ideas in our personal designers tool. He then gave us a 15 minute period in which we were to create a chosen business card idea in either PageMaker or InDesign. With a 15 minute time limit I set of to create a fairly simple design out of the ones created. At the end and after gaining feedback I realised that I wasn’t in the right lines of the task as I added extra information such as name tag before the actual representative’s name. For example: Name: Walter M. Wainwright.
After the sudden realisation of the sort of work needed in the design industry (I think, or is the design industry a lot more productive and demanding?) we began with a lecture about 4 principle of design. In this we covered:
- Proximity, which is using related elements in the same location.
- Alignment, which is basically the placement of an element.
- Repetition, which is a strong form of consistency.
- And Contrast, which is what, attracts the eyes of the viewer.
After the lecture we moved on to our current assignment work for a Monday which is A3. During the time in college I began researching the information in which to use in the script of the website build. Although it’s not yet complete, I gained a very good start in which to inform a target audience of 50+ (Silver Surfers).
During the long extended work criteria on Monday night I gained a very valuable lesson. This lesson is to work on feedback as soon as you receive it and get it out of the way as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in the lack of sleep.
Tuesday and a very tired ‘JB’. We began the day with the same task as Monday morning but instead of 15 designs we had to create number of 5 complete with annotations. Knowing the results of Monday and from the feedback gained, I set out to create a suitable business card complete with proximity, Alignment, Repetition and Contrast. As a result of this task I received pretty bad feedback just the same as before. Apparently the text regarding the information about the location of the business and the representative, proposing the card, was too small. Perhaps something I need to work on in the near future.
After the Sudden repeat of a design industry on the spot task we began to work on our image restoration which I think is going rather well if I do say so my self (an image of my progress is located below).
In our seminar groups we had a discussion about our progress in the assignment so far and the tasks needed to be completed for this particular weekly event. For this we needed to have a major amount of our image restoration complete in order for checking and the image compression discussion. So far as I know the image restoration needs to be altered slightly in order for the really small detail to be visible to the human eye. A note from Steve, says that if I can’t gain the right tone for the restored image I will need to start it again and place the restoration elements in a separate layer in Photoshop rather then restoring the actual image. From working on the image after seminar I believe it is completed to a satisfactory level of appreciation (in my view).
Also today (Tuesday) we gained our presentation feedback which we produced on the 1st day back from reading week. As it turns out I am a nervous motor mouth with an obsession for comfort. Due to a sudden print of the hand out after entering the room it appears I was also disorganised.
Task to complete over the week:
- 15 web plan thumbnails and a chosen design in full size (in Sketchbook).
- A digital version of the web plan.
- A completed script.
- 8 comment (something Steve says I need to do for missing out on last week’s deadline).
- And any restoration feedback gained from you guys (If people comment and be truthful).
After the sudden realisation of the sort of work needed in the design industry (I think, or is the design industry a lot more productive and demanding?) we began with a lecture about 4 principle of design. In this we covered:
- Proximity, which is using related elements in the same location.
- Alignment, which is basically the placement of an element.
- Repetition, which is a strong form of consistency.
- And Contrast, which is what, attracts the eyes of the viewer.
After the lecture we moved on to our current assignment work for a Monday which is A3. During the time in college I began researching the information in which to use in the script of the website build. Although it’s not yet complete, I gained a very good start in which to inform a target audience of 50+ (Silver Surfers).
During the long extended work criteria on Monday night I gained a very valuable lesson. This lesson is to work on feedback as soon as you receive it and get it out of the way as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in the lack of sleep.
Tuesday and a very tired ‘JB’. We began the day with the same task as Monday morning but instead of 15 designs we had to create number of 5 complete with annotations. Knowing the results of Monday and from the feedback gained, I set out to create a suitable business card complete with proximity, Alignment, Repetition and Contrast. As a result of this task I received pretty bad feedback just the same as before. Apparently the text regarding the information about the location of the business and the representative, proposing the card, was too small. Perhaps something I need to work on in the near future.
After the Sudden repeat of a design industry on the spot task we began to work on our image restoration which I think is going rather well if I do say so my self (an image of my progress is located below).
In our seminar groups we had a discussion about our progress in the assignment so far and the tasks needed to be completed for this particular weekly event. For this we needed to have a major amount of our image restoration complete in order for checking and the image compression discussion. So far as I know the image restoration needs to be altered slightly in order for the really small detail to be visible to the human eye. A note from Steve, says that if I can’t gain the right tone for the restored image I will need to start it again and place the restoration elements in a separate layer in Photoshop rather then restoring the actual image. From working on the image after seminar I believe it is completed to a satisfactory level of appreciation (in my view).
Also today (Tuesday) we gained our presentation feedback which we produced on the 1st day back from reading week. As it turns out I am a nervous motor mouth with an obsession for comfort. Due to a sudden print of the hand out after entering the room it appears I was also disorganised.
Task to complete over the week:
- 15 web plan thumbnails and a chosen design in full size (in Sketchbook).
- A digital version of the web plan.
- A completed script.
- 8 comment (something Steve says I need to do for missing out on last week’s deadline).
- And any restoration feedback gained from you guys (If people comment and be truthful).
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
The Excitment of Manipulation!!!
1st things first, I must remember to complete all tasks asked of by Steve for the date set. On Monday morning of this week I was yet again told to leave the room as I failed to copy last Mondays lecture out of a fellow students note book. This resulted in me missing out on Monday mornings lecture, which I am required to gain for next week. The task I was required to do during lecture time was to take notes of last weeks lecture in which Michelle gracefully gave us her note book to carry out the task from. Thanks Michelle.
After the task of copying last weeks lecture, we came back to gain a lecture on Type faces. This explained various styles of font and an outline of typography. Back to work after dinner I set out to complete my delivery requirements and competitive analysis. The chosen sites I used for analysing were and, which were very helpful in understanding the requirement needed to complete the task.
Tuesday. What a day. We started out with a lecture about image manipulation and how to restore an image back to its former glory. In this lecture we talked about the various tools in Photoshop that are required much use in order to complete the task of restoring an old image received from Steve’s own personal collection. Before lunch we were allowed to have a little mess around with the image in Photoshop to get a better understanding of what is required from us.
After returning from lunch it was straight back to work for the 1st years. With the intention of professionally restoring the image, I set out on a mission which has been quite enjoyable. So far I have restored the back ground of the image, the leg on the right, the top right hand corner, the fold cease on the left person, and a few out of place pixels on the person on the left of the image. My intention now is to complete the restoration of the image and import colour in order for Steve to place his opinion on it next week.
During the time of restoration my seminar group had its weekly discussion with Steve on order to talk about our project goals, target audience, delivery requirements and competitive analysis. During this time we talked about whether our goals are measurable, technologies to be used in the delivery requirements, and a brief discussion about the website’s visited for analysis.
Tasks to be completed for next week:
- Complete image manipulation task complete with colour.
- Copy out Mondays lecture into my sketchbook
- Stick to my time planning.
- Insert at least 4 comments on to other student's journal entries
After the task of copying last weeks lecture, we came back to gain a lecture on Type faces. This explained various styles of font and an outline of typography. Back to work after dinner I set out to complete my delivery requirements and competitive analysis. The chosen sites I used for analysing were and, which were very helpful in understanding the requirement needed to complete the task.
Tuesday. What a day. We started out with a lecture about image manipulation and how to restore an image back to its former glory. In this lecture we talked about the various tools in Photoshop that are required much use in order to complete the task of restoring an old image received from Steve’s own personal collection. Before lunch we were allowed to have a little mess around with the image in Photoshop to get a better understanding of what is required from us.
After returning from lunch it was straight back to work for the 1st years. With the intention of professionally restoring the image, I set out on a mission which has been quite enjoyable. So far I have restored the back ground of the image, the leg on the right, the top right hand corner, the fold cease on the left person, and a few out of place pixels on the person on the left of the image. My intention now is to complete the restoration of the image and import colour in order for Steve to place his opinion on it next week.
During the time of restoration my seminar group had its weekly discussion with Steve on order to talk about our project goals, target audience, delivery requirements and competitive analysis. During this time we talked about whether our goals are measurable, technologies to be used in the delivery requirements, and a brief discussion about the website’s visited for analysis.
Tasks to be completed for next week:
- Complete image manipulation task complete with colour.
- Copy out Mondays lecture into my sketchbook
- Stick to my time planning.
- Insert at least 4 comments on to other student's journal entries
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Monkey Madness!!!!
What a week! Monday for a start was pretty mental, as the previous week I had a dare from Steve to for fill. So with the first college day amongst us I began my journey to Wakefield College wearing a ‘Gorilla Suit’ (or at least half of it). The head, hands and feet were additions in which to put on when I entered the building as I chose not to risk getting arrested on the way in. Now that would have really upset Steve. Any ways don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, that’s all I have to say about it. The amount of laughter seen at my expense and the fun I had in Thorne’s park at lunch time was amazing. Above in a separate journal entry are a few of the pictures taken.
Any way, back to the point of this entry. During Monday we talked about the new web plan that was upon us in the new assignment (A3 – Back to Basics). During this discussion (or shall I say lecture) we talked about what was expected of us in this assignment. A new added feature of creating the entire content of the website is going to challenging as we have a basic amount of words we are able to place in the website. The limit was around 2000 words in which to talk about 40 basic computer elements in which to describe to the ‘Silver Surfers’ (members of the community/50 +/interested in accessing the internet). Other tasks during this session were to produce the measurable goals for this project. As it stands I currently have 6 goals which all appear to be pretty measurable.
Tuesday (today) was a day of confusion in the way of trying to understand a lot about colour and the various types of libraries there were in the world we see today. At 1st I thought that there was only one way of viewing a colour library and that was understood because of a previous showing of the pantone colour booklet from Steve. It also turns out that I now also know the answer to a question that puzzled me as a child, when I sat really close in front of the television set. I always used to wonder why there lots of colours shown when sat too close to the TV (I’m sure some of you also did the same thing as a child and wondered why the reason was). Now from the presentation Steve showed us I understood that the RGB colour scheme is the reason for this and that it’s red, green and blue overlapping helps out with creating the other colours viewed other then just seeing the ones mentioned.
In the second part of Tuesday, we had another presentation about image compression and that various technologies which assist in this. We also got to play around with a few images in Photoshop to test the outcomes of each compression method, in which for a photograph, JPEG format won. For graphics PNG was the better in this particular case.
Task to complete for this week:
- Work on the referral in order to achieve a pass grade on A2.
- Follow times sheets accurately.
- Look out for an email from Steve and reply with in the 48 hour deadline.
- Comment on at least 4 other journal entries before midnight Friday.
- Complete the discussion on image compression.
- Lots of comments about Gorilla Monday!!!
Any way, back to the point of this entry. During Monday we talked about the new web plan that was upon us in the new assignment (A3 – Back to Basics). During this discussion (or shall I say lecture) we talked about what was expected of us in this assignment. A new added feature of creating the entire content of the website is going to challenging as we have a basic amount of words we are able to place in the website. The limit was around 2000 words in which to talk about 40 basic computer elements in which to describe to the ‘Silver Surfers’ (members of the community/50 +/interested in accessing the internet). Other tasks during this session were to produce the measurable goals for this project. As it stands I currently have 6 goals which all appear to be pretty measurable.
Tuesday (today) was a day of confusion in the way of trying to understand a lot about colour and the various types of libraries there were in the world we see today. At 1st I thought that there was only one way of viewing a colour library and that was understood because of a previous showing of the pantone colour booklet from Steve. It also turns out that I now also know the answer to a question that puzzled me as a child, when I sat really close in front of the television set. I always used to wonder why there lots of colours shown when sat too close to the TV (I’m sure some of you also did the same thing as a child and wondered why the reason was). Now from the presentation Steve showed us I understood that the RGB colour scheme is the reason for this and that it’s red, green and blue overlapping helps out with creating the other colours viewed other then just seeing the ones mentioned.
In the second part of Tuesday, we had another presentation about image compression and that various technologies which assist in this. We also got to play around with a few images in Photoshop to test the outcomes of each compression method, in which for a photograph, JPEG format won. For graphics PNG was the better in this particular case.
Task to complete for this week:
- Work on the referral in order to achieve a pass grade on A2.
- Follow times sheets accurately.
- Look out for an email from Steve and reply with in the 48 hour deadline.
- Comment on at least 4 other journal entries before midnight Friday.
- Complete the discussion on image compression.
- Lots of comments about Gorilla Monday!!!
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Dissapointment and Happy Thoughts!!!
Monday the 5th of November. Today we received our grades for the first assignment and it appears that I have referred. All though it is not yet known as to why the referral was given, I am willing to carry on giving my all in order to get on with the course and preferably replace the referral with a pass grade. Among the class in our seminar group we have covered a great deal in how we are going to move on knowing our current grades. As a summary of this and from each answer given by the class, I feel that its is right to say that everyone who gained a referral seemed to be some what disappointed and are willing to give it there all in order to achieve that pass grade.
Remember people, this is part of learning so hang in there. I referred this assignment also but I’m not letting it get to me the slightest bit because I have referred a number of assignments in the past, I have recovered and learnt from my experience.
On another note we each had a presentation to show to Steve about a colour. As explained in last week’s journal entry, I was given the colour purple. In my opinion the presentation went really well considering I accidentally skipped a slide (I think). The presentation did seem to go by quite rapidly considering the time taken for most students to disappear and then reappear at the canteen doors. But I guess that could be the suspense and excitement I was feeling at that moment, which suddenly made me fly through it.
Tuesday the 6th of November. This morning consisted of the usual from Steve, but instead of the original heart bursting outbreaks of reluctant disappointment. The lecture was finally something other then a disciplinary about emails. Instead we talked about whether it is possible to distinguish the differences between an artist and a designer. This presentation leads to a very good discussion that should prove quite useful in the upcoming. The main question to relate to is, are you a designer or an artist, and why?
This afternoon the class has been researching hard to gain information about the Design Republic. This is a task emitted in A4 that requires us to discuss (evaluate) the designs created by the design republic and how they work as a company, yet again leading on to what I see my self as (artist or designer).
Finally in our seminar groups we discussed the upcoming assignments to fill in any miss-judgment about what we are expected to do. This took exactly 1 hour in which we talked about how everyone is expecting me to come in to college dressed in my Halloween costume on the upcoming Monday. We talked about the past assignment in which we have jus completed and we were given a talk in which to complete for the upcoming Monday. This was to discuss with my seminar group 12 software applications that could be included on the website we are now planning. This needs to include at least 3 OS’s.
Task to complete for next week…
- Complete the discussion about the Design Republic and figure out what I see my self as (Designer or Artist).
- Gain a constant reminder about wearing my gorilla suit in to college next Monday.
- Keep up to date with my time planning.
- Complete seminar task.
P.S. What do you see you're self as, a Designer or an Artist???
Remember people, this is part of learning so hang in there. I referred this assignment also but I’m not letting it get to me the slightest bit because I have referred a number of assignments in the past, I have recovered and learnt from my experience.
On another note we each had a presentation to show to Steve about a colour. As explained in last week’s journal entry, I was given the colour purple. In my opinion the presentation went really well considering I accidentally skipped a slide (I think). The presentation did seem to go by quite rapidly considering the time taken for most students to disappear and then reappear at the canteen doors. But I guess that could be the suspense and excitement I was feeling at that moment, which suddenly made me fly through it.
Tuesday the 6th of November. This morning consisted of the usual from Steve, but instead of the original heart bursting outbreaks of reluctant disappointment. The lecture was finally something other then a disciplinary about emails. Instead we talked about whether it is possible to distinguish the differences between an artist and a designer. This presentation leads to a very good discussion that should prove quite useful in the upcoming. The main question to relate to is, are you a designer or an artist, and why?
This afternoon the class has been researching hard to gain information about the Design Republic. This is a task emitted in A4 that requires us to discuss (evaluate) the designs created by the design republic and how they work as a company, yet again leading on to what I see my self as (artist or designer).
Finally in our seminar groups we discussed the upcoming assignments to fill in any miss-judgment about what we are expected to do. This took exactly 1 hour in which we talked about how everyone is expecting me to come in to college dressed in my Halloween costume on the upcoming Monday. We talked about the past assignment in which we have jus completed and we were given a talk in which to complete for the upcoming Monday. This was to discuss with my seminar group 12 software applications that could be included on the website we are now planning. This needs to include at least 3 OS’s.
Task to complete for next week…
- Complete the discussion about the Design Republic and figure out what I see my self as (Designer or Artist).
- Gain a constant reminder about wearing my gorilla suit in to college next Monday.
- Keep up to date with my time planning.
- Complete seminar task.
P.S. What do you see you're self as, a Designer or an Artist???
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Reading Week!!!
So far reading week has proved pretty challenging. As we entered the week with an email to Steve for our current task, we found our selves having to create a presentation consisting of a colour chosen by Steve. The element I received for this task was the colour purple in which seems to be a colour out of my interest, but hey this is all a learning experience that could be vital in the design industry so lets crack on with it. At present I have researched a number of sites in order to find out some information about this asset and what seems to me as the most surprising bit of information so far is that purple is meant to represent Royalty and Sophistication. In past experiences I have often found lavender to be quite relaxing in colour and aroma which is why this was so surprising. In research I have actually found out that lavender may look purple, but it is a lighter form of violet which is generally mistaken for the colour purple.
In this task I am actually struggling a little bit as I'm not sure on how much information will fit in to the 5 minute boundary, with an added question section at the end, so any advise on that will be greatly appreciated. I was considering of asking Steve but I'm not sure as to whether or not he’s annoyed with me for emailing him later then what I should have done.
Things i still need to be cracking on with:
- Before the weekend I intend to have my own domain name in order for me to receive web hosting from John, which appears to be very acceptable. If there are any websites that are recommended please share them as I would like to have full access and licensing to any website I publish in the future.
- Also before the weekend intend to have completed the full presentation in order for me to start thinking about which method I will use to present it i.e. notes, full presentation in hand or read of the board.
- I also intend to come up with as many questions as possible and the answers along with them to make it easier on me when I receive questioning (hopefully I will come up with all the question that may be asked so I wont have to turn down any question).
In this task I am actually struggling a little bit as I'm not sure on how much information will fit in to the 5 minute boundary, with an added question section at the end, so any advise on that will be greatly appreciated. I was considering of asking Steve but I'm not sure as to whether or not he’s annoyed with me for emailing him later then what I should have done.
Things i still need to be cracking on with:
- Before the weekend I intend to have my own domain name in order for me to receive web hosting from John, which appears to be very acceptable. If there are any websites that are recommended please share them as I would like to have full access and licensing to any website I publish in the future.
- Also before the weekend intend to have completed the full presentation in order for me to start thinking about which method I will use to present it i.e. notes, full presentation in hand or read of the board.
- I also intend to come up with as many questions as possible and the answers along with them to make it easier on me when I receive questioning (hopefully I will come up with all the question that may be asked so I wont have to turn down any question).
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Half term!!!
It’s already been a week since our first deadline and I can’t help but feel so relaxed about it. It is also very clear that the fate of this assignment rests in the hands of Steve, and whether or not we've completed the tasks in the correct standard that will gain us at least a pass. As this week has progressed I have gained very useful tips that could be used to my advantage in future assignments. 1 of which seems so very simple, that I can’t seem to think of why it didn’t occur to me until a 2nd year student (Julian Dyer) published it in last week’s blog entry as a comment. Been aware of this task in the past would have saved me from having to rush things at the last minute in order to gain the use of a CD labelling kit.
Thing that could help me in the future (feel free to add comments on other additions):
- Produce a hand in check list at the start of an assignment (include all tasks including labelling CD and time management).
- Constant reminders of time planning (plan a source that is a constant reminder).
- Become literally exceptional which course related programs.
- Find more sources of creativity/inspiring images
Thing that could help me in the future (feel free to add comments on other additions):
- Produce a hand in check list at the start of an assignment (include all tasks including labelling CD and time management).
- Constant reminders of time planning (plan a source that is a constant reminder).
- Become literally exceptional which course related programs.
- Find more sources of creativity/inspiring images
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
A Feeling of Relief...
Today in the HND Interactive Media section of Thornes, was the hand in date for the 1st assignment. As 12 o’clock had past and Steve stepped foot in to the class, a mass breathe of relief was released across the room with the thought of achievement in completing what seemed to be the hardest task up to press. Early this morning I arrived, with the intention of completing the assignment in approx 1 hour and having the rest of the morning to relax and think about the previous experience, although this didn’t conjure from the original plan. I found my self in a state of panic as I made a quick dash to PC world for a CD labelling kit as this was one of the tasks I overlooked. The over overlooked task was the referencing during the assignment which took me a good hour to configure to what seemed to be the correct standard. Sitting here now, I can gladly say that the experience and achievement has been pretty satisfying, both working on and completing A2 – That’s the Plan.
Next to come is the first experience of what is known as reading week. At the moment I sort of like the idea that ill be gaining more experience about the course and what is needed in order for me to pass it. It is known that a number of tutors through out your education may seem to want a mass amount of work in order for you to complete an assignment. During the previous years of education at Wakefield College I have often wondered why so much is required in order to complete an assignment when I have learnt what was needed. At this moment in time I have now realised that your learning is just as important as the evidence needed to prove what you have learnt.
For the final thought of this week’s online journal entry I can say that I am looking forward to starting some of the future activities on the course to boost my range of experience and creativity. Bring it on Steve!!!!
Next to come is the first experience of what is known as reading week. At the moment I sort of like the idea that ill be gaining more experience about the course and what is needed in order for me to pass it. It is known that a number of tutors through out your education may seem to want a mass amount of work in order for you to complete an assignment. During the previous years of education at Wakefield College I have often wondered why so much is required in order to complete an assignment when I have learnt what was needed. At this moment in time I have now realised that your learning is just as important as the evidence needed to prove what you have learnt.
For the final thought of this week’s online journal entry I can say that I am looking forward to starting some of the future activities on the course to boost my range of experience and creativity. Bring it on Steve!!!!
Monday, 15 October 2007
Final Final Design!!!
Thursday, 11 October 2007
A good feeling!!!
The final week has finally come and what first seemed to be a sudden jolt of panic has suddenly turned to a sense of relief. In the seminar groups with Steve it seemed like I had a lot to get on with in order to complete the 1st assignment on the deadline set (hand in date as Steve once stated). During the course of the week I have been gathering evidence and inserting my work into PageMaker, which is now considerably starting to make a lot more sense. The relief I feel is that the 1st assignment is coming to an end and everything I need to get on with is becoming clear with every thought about it. Something I haven’t liked about this week is that I have had to change my original web site plan. Sorry to the people that commented on my design, but by inserting my design in to PageMaker the view was horrendous. Alternatively I have taken away the back ground colouring, inserted text navigation, edited the dickens image and yes people, Charles Dickens is still looking in to the page.
In our groups with John we found out that a certain student (mentioning no names Rebecca) managed to lose a lot of work due to some technical difficulties. From finding out about this experience I can improve on my backing up skills in order for this to not become an issue in the duration of what seems to be a pleasant course.
Also this week I have realised how everyone in the group has adapted in the ways they have. Not only have I noticed a great deal of enthusiasm but also a great deal of friendship. I can honestly say now that I feel to be part of the course and part of a group of potentially dangerous designers that I may have the pleasure of competing or working with in the, what seems to be the very near future.
In our groups with John we found out that a certain student (mentioning no names Rebecca) managed to lose a lot of work due to some technical difficulties. From finding out about this experience I can improve on my backing up skills in order for this to not become an issue in the duration of what seems to be a pleasant course.
Also this week I have realised how everyone in the group has adapted in the ways they have. Not only have I noticed a great deal of enthusiasm but also a great deal of friendship. I can honestly say now that I feel to be part of the course and part of a group of potentially dangerous designers that I may have the pleasure of competing or working with in the, what seems to be the very near future.
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Friday, 5 October 2007
1st on screen design...
Finaly i have completed the 1st on screen design. Although a little late it would be very appreciated if i could possibly gain feedback before Monday. Thanks!
Another Idea was to have the banner looking a little like this??? Your thoughts will be appreciated.

After a number of outside sources i have narrowed my design down to this, any thoughts??
Another Idea was to have the banner looking a little like this??? Your thoughts will be appreciated.

After a number of outside sources i have narrowed my design down to this, any thoughts??
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
There is still time!!!
This week has gone by quite well considering it still seems that I am a little behind. The task from now until the next session (Monday 8th October) will be to complete all current ongoing work and prepare to insert all of it in to ‘Adobe PageMaker’.
This week Steve seemed to be a little calmer which can only mean 1 thing, he likes us to complete task set by himself (a little bit obvious). In our seminar groups we talked about our current progress in our first assignment. I have entered the ending stages of the design task (my favourite part), but much more work is needed in order to complete the assignment on the date set. Due to writers block early on Monday I postponed the competitive analysis task and moved on to the design part in which I have nearly completed.
This week I feel that I have learnt a great deal about the designing section as I have produced many thumb nail templates in which I have produced 5 on a larger scale. Narrowed down to the final 1 I began to test the making of the site to get a quick look at what it may look like if I were to complete the process.
The tasks I have set my self for this week are to:
- Complete the competitive analysis.
- Finish of the final design layout
- Amend the site structure
- And produce a price list, summarising my time spent and the hardware/software components.
Due to recent experience following the Nikki Iles task, I have come to my own conclusion about ‘PageMaker’. In my opinion it is not at all as accurate as Steve tends to talk about. This is my conclusion as I created the site structure and all seemed well on the computer screen. Once printed a number of errors appeared on the page all been the same error in different places. The error was that a small gap appeared between a various lines that I had connected to show the flow of data in the site structure.
Also I must remember to state the obvious and be able to prove my theory. In a discussion with John on Monday morning, he brought out an error I was making a few weeks ago. This error was that I got the wrong idea about how much detail we needed to go in to. I started to look in a deeper meaning of CSS when I was only required to find out what it is, what it can do, and what I will use it for.
This week Steve seemed to be a little calmer which can only mean 1 thing, he likes us to complete task set by himself (a little bit obvious). In our seminar groups we talked about our current progress in our first assignment. I have entered the ending stages of the design task (my favourite part), but much more work is needed in order to complete the assignment on the date set. Due to writers block early on Monday I postponed the competitive analysis task and moved on to the design part in which I have nearly completed.
This week I feel that I have learnt a great deal about the designing section as I have produced many thumb nail templates in which I have produced 5 on a larger scale. Narrowed down to the final 1 I began to test the making of the site to get a quick look at what it may look like if I were to complete the process.
The tasks I have set my self for this week are to:
- Complete the competitive analysis.
- Finish of the final design layout
- Amend the site structure
- And produce a price list, summarising my time spent and the hardware/software components.
Due to recent experience following the Nikki Iles task, I have come to my own conclusion about ‘PageMaker’. In my opinion it is not at all as accurate as Steve tends to talk about. This is my conclusion as I created the site structure and all seemed well on the computer screen. Once printed a number of errors appeared on the page all been the same error in different places. The error was that a small gap appeared between a various lines that I had connected to show the flow of data in the site structure.
Also I must remember to state the obvious and be able to prove my theory. In a discussion with John on Monday morning, he brought out an error I was making a few weeks ago. This error was that I got the wrong idea about how much detail we needed to go in to. I started to look in a deeper meaning of CSS when I was only required to find out what it is, what it can do, and what I will use it for.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
The Design Mechanics!
Today Steve let some of us (the 1st year students) join the class on our day off to see the presentation set by a Huddersfield based company known as the ‘Design Mechanics’. Residing their 30 minute lateness to the presentation today was in fact a real treat. From this experience I have learnt a lot about how the design industry work and how clients can effect your state of mind. From the way it seems, us college students have currently got it easy in relation to the industry for example: we don't have a nagging client refusing our work cause of it not been good enough or to their expectations, we don't have multiple projects to work on in the day Etc.
After the presentation we had a chance to ask the design team a few questions about anything relating to their experiences and current working environment. The main thing I learnt from this is that all clients have different opinions in a designer's creation, but they are still the boss of the project and their needs are very important in order to complete it successfully. Our roll if to successfully rise up to the design industry will be to cater for the clients needs and not our own personal attractions.
After the presentation and the questions, a few of the second years showed examples of their own work to us and the ‘Design Mechanics’. All of the work shown was at a great standard and this showed me the type of competition I will be working with in the future. All though some of the work was very inspiring like a CD cover created by ‘Andrew Ellis’. Now i have seen some of the work to come, I will be looking forward to the time when we begin to start some of it. Like for instance, creating the web site we are currently planning and designing an album cover.
If there are any questions from the students in the 1st year about the Design Mechanics feel free to ask. Also to add to that note, I am sure that the other students who attended the presentation will be more then happy to answer any questions regarding professional work and ‘The Design Mechanics’. Sorry if your not guys!!!!
After the presentation we had a chance to ask the design team a few questions about anything relating to their experiences and current working environment. The main thing I learnt from this is that all clients have different opinions in a designer's creation, but they are still the boss of the project and their needs are very important in order to complete it successfully. Our roll if to successfully rise up to the design industry will be to cater for the clients needs and not our own personal attractions.
After the presentation and the questions, a few of the second years showed examples of their own work to us and the ‘Design Mechanics’. All of the work shown was at a great standard and this showed me the type of competition I will be working with in the future. All though some of the work was very inspiring like a CD cover created by ‘Andrew Ellis’. Now i have seen some of the work to come, I will be looking forward to the time when we begin to start some of it. Like for instance, creating the web site we are currently planning and designing an album cover.
If there are any questions from the students in the 1st year about the Design Mechanics feel free to ask. Also to add to that note, I am sure that the other students who attended the presentation will be more then happy to answer any questions regarding professional work and ‘The Design Mechanics’. Sorry if your not guys!!!!
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
The @"!$ has hit the fan!
Today Steve wasn’t impressed in the way that nobody completed the tasks set in last Friday’s email. This resulted in Steve taking a time out in the library which left us to talk about what had just happened. As a fearless leader Shaun stepped in and suggested that we talk about the task we failed to complete. This formed a class discussion so that everyone had a chance to understand the ‘Web Content Accessibility Guidelines’ 1.1, 2.2, 4.2, 12.3 and 14.1. We also had a talk about these guide lines to make sure that everyone came to terms with what they are and what they stand for. After what seemed to be around a half hours discussion, Shaun yet again showed courage by leaving the room to confront Steve 1-on-1 in the dark corners of the ‘Library’ (Queue in the Horror Music). Shaun re-entered the room around 10-15 minutes after leaving, with a relieved look on his face. He stated immediately that a 2nd voice of what had just happened was needed for Steve’s ears in which Martyn volunteered. A form of punishment set as a reminder that lateness and incomplete work is not tolerated was agreed by our selves.
In other events a big thank you actually goes to Steve for showing us how to use ‘Adobe PageMaker’. By giving us a quick tutorial we were able to create an article about a female candidate known as ‘Nikki Iles’ (Not that the name rings any bells). But, in the tutorial we learnt how to use a number of tools which will come to use when we start to use the application to bring our assignments in.
Also, over the last week I have been trying to get my head around most sections in the delivery requirements such as CGI, HTML and the ‘Web Accessibility Guidelines’. This week I have learnt a great deal about these elements for example, it was not to my knowledge that there are software applications and pc components that were created solely to give computer and internet access to the blind.
This weeks self study tasks are to carry on with the assignment using the time sheets, take on the student agreed form of punishment which is to write 2-5 pages in out sketch books about the ‘Web Accessibility Guidelines’. I will also gather more sources of information to place in my sketch book as I am only half way through (This may seem a lot to some people but I feel as though other class members have done a lot more sketchbook work than I have).
In other events a big thank you actually goes to Steve for showing us how to use ‘Adobe PageMaker’. By giving us a quick tutorial we were able to create an article about a female candidate known as ‘Nikki Iles’ (Not that the name rings any bells). But, in the tutorial we learnt how to use a number of tools which will come to use when we start to use the application to bring our assignments in.
Also, over the last week I have been trying to get my head around most sections in the delivery requirements such as CGI, HTML and the ‘Web Accessibility Guidelines’. This week I have learnt a great deal about these elements for example, it was not to my knowledge that there are software applications and pc components that were created solely to give computer and internet access to the blind.
This weeks self study tasks are to carry on with the assignment using the time sheets, take on the student agreed form of punishment which is to write 2-5 pages in out sketch books about the ‘Web Accessibility Guidelines’. I will also gather more sources of information to place in my sketch book as I am only half way through (This may seem a lot to some people but I feel as though other class members have done a lot more sketchbook work than I have).
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Past Statement!
Endure is a statement I have used in the past and Steve can back that up. My reason for saying this is because, so far I have completed only the ‘Project Goals’. The other tasks started are still ongoing. These tasks involve the ‘Target Audience’, the ‘Delivery Requirements’ and the ‘Competitive Analysis’. The reason for this is that the target audience task needs to be thought about a little more as my main target audience is primarily set for any fiction story reader who is interested in the work of Charles Dickens. The secondary audience falls in to the student category of English GCSE and H/E. As stated by Steve, I need to be a little more specific when it comes to thinking about the target audience.
The delivery requirements are pretty much up to scratch in terms of client and designer needs for the project. The hardest part is to gain as much information about ‘HTML’, ‘XHTML’, and ‘Java Scripts’ in order for me to understand them. So far in this task I have managed to find out information about CGI Scripts/Proxy and the Web Accessibility Guidelines.
This week’s self study will result in me having to really pull my finger out and research the named web scripts as much as possible in order to keep up to date with the assignment. This is required of me so that I am able to complete the following tasks:
- Target Audience
- Delivery Requirements
- Competitive Analysis
Other ongoing tasks to work on are:
- Placing images of inspiration in my note book
- Gain more images of inspiration
- Gain more evidence in my note book
For gaining inspiration I will be keeping my eyes open through the week, so that I don’t miss possible chances of gaining inspiration from other people’s graphical imagery or advertising.
In other news we have had another group meeting with Steve in our seminar groups in which we discussed our current progress in the assignment so far. This lasted 45 minutes and we covered all the above readings on the assignment. We also had a visit from the student finance office of Wakefield College in which a female candidate talked about information on applying for a student loan, how to go if you haven’t received your student loan and what you can do if you haven’t applied for a student loan.
The delivery requirements are pretty much up to scratch in terms of client and designer needs for the project. The hardest part is to gain as much information about ‘HTML’, ‘XHTML’, and ‘Java Scripts’ in order for me to understand them. So far in this task I have managed to find out information about CGI Scripts/Proxy and the Web Accessibility Guidelines.
This week’s self study will result in me having to really pull my finger out and research the named web scripts as much as possible in order to keep up to date with the assignment. This is required of me so that I am able to complete the following tasks:
- Target Audience
- Delivery Requirements
- Competitive Analysis
Other ongoing tasks to work on are:
- Placing images of inspiration in my note book
- Gain more images of inspiration
- Gain more evidence in my note book
For gaining inspiration I will be keeping my eyes open through the week, so that I don’t miss possible chances of gaining inspiration from other people’s graphical imagery or advertising.
In other news we have had another group meeting with Steve in our seminar groups in which we discussed our current progress in the assignment so far. This lasted 45 minutes and we covered all the above readings on the assignment. We also had a visit from the student finance office of Wakefield College in which a female candidate talked about information on applying for a student loan, how to go if you haven’t received your student loan and what you can do if you haven’t applied for a student loan.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
In the Beginning
Today at college I have researched a wide variety of information about a fictional story author known as Charles Dickens. The reason for doing this is that we have started our first assignment. This is about a listed ‘British’ candidate that has accomplished something in their life. So far I have visited a number of sites using the ‘Google’ search engine to find more sources of information that I can evaluate. I will then use this to find the correct information I am looking for.
The things I have learnt today can be quite useful in the future of planning. For the start of the assignment I completed a production sheet, which is a time management document to help me split down the assignment and manage the task in easy manageable sections. Also I have started to produce weekly time sheets that will show effective time keeping each week as we progress through the assignment.
We also had a seminar (feedback group), where we had a discussion about our opinions on our work so far and the sort of work we should be aiming for. In the seminar we discussed the project goals of this assignment and realised the main goals besides completing the assignment, are to make a file/webpage as small as possible. Having a huge file size will slow down the rate of download. The screen resolution was also a factor, as screen sizes vary. We also had a chance to view some sketch books from previous students of the 1st year to give us a better example of what we should be putting in to our sketchbooks. The length of time taken in the seminar was 30 minutes, which in my opinion wasn’t enough time. The amount of time I would prefer would be around 45 minutes to 1 hour as I would have liked to gain information about more topics related to the assignment.
The most effective part of the day was gaining some understanding of the sort of things we should be looking for in the assignment. This was also discussed in the seminar in groups, which made things a lot easier because we were able to share our own opinions.
Thing I could improve on:
- The speed of my sketching. A presentation flies by pretty quickly and it is hard to gather all the information you want to successfully understand what’s going on.
- My research skills. Currently I can search through a number of sites and gather the correct information, but it would be better for me if I could do it more speedily to give me more time to understand other tasks.
- My language skills. Every now and again a piece of unrespectable language seeps its way out. Due to this I have had a fellow student and the tutor tell me to watch my language.
The things I have learnt today can be quite useful in the future of planning. For the start of the assignment I completed a production sheet, which is a time management document to help me split down the assignment and manage the task in easy manageable sections. Also I have started to produce weekly time sheets that will show effective time keeping each week as we progress through the assignment.
We also had a seminar (feedback group), where we had a discussion about our opinions on our work so far and the sort of work we should be aiming for. In the seminar we discussed the project goals of this assignment and realised the main goals besides completing the assignment, are to make a file/webpage as small as possible. Having a huge file size will slow down the rate of download. The screen resolution was also a factor, as screen sizes vary. We also had a chance to view some sketch books from previous students of the 1st year to give us a better example of what we should be putting in to our sketchbooks. The length of time taken in the seminar was 30 minutes, which in my opinion wasn’t enough time. The amount of time I would prefer would be around 45 minutes to 1 hour as I would have liked to gain information about more topics related to the assignment.
The most effective part of the day was gaining some understanding of the sort of things we should be looking for in the assignment. This was also discussed in the seminar in groups, which made things a lot easier because we were able to share our own opinions.
Thing I could improve on:
- The speed of my sketching. A presentation flies by pretty quickly and it is hard to gather all the information you want to successfully understand what’s going on.
- My research skills. Currently I can search through a number of sites and gather the correct information, but it would be better for me if I could do it more speedily to give me more time to understand other tasks.
- My language skills. Every now and again a piece of unrespectable language seeps its way out. Due to this I have had a fellow student and the tutor tell me to watch my language.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Before the Starting Line

My name is John Browne, a student of the HND Interactive Media course and to get to this current stage it has taken me 4 years of previous education. Over the last 4 years I have had to attend 3 previous courses at Wakefield College. The first course was the Foundation GNVQ in ICT which consisted of the basics in computing and information resources. For this course I obtained a Distinction level which was enough to jump to the advance course of this subject, but as I wanted to learn the topic gradually, I chose to attend the intermediate course. In my opinion it is better to slowly learn something rather then jumping to the highest point and finding it a struggle to get through. The second course that I chose to attend was the Intermediate GNVQ in ICT which was very similar to the first year, but was more in-depth on the subject. For this particular course I obtained a merit level. The third and most previous course was a GCE in ICT which was an advance level of ICT in which we researched and produced portfolios’ on the more professional aspects of ICT such as Multi-Media, Web Hosting, Networking and Project Management.
The directions in my life that I most want to go are on to full time employment in the design industry as either a ‘Web Designer’, ‘Graphic Editor’, or an ‘Advertising Clerk’. Also a tutor’s position that involves subjects I have or am currently studying sounds of some interest. This sort of career interests me as I believe I have a creative imagination which could be a core benefit to the business I am appointed to when the time comes. The tutor position inspires and attracts me as I feel that it could be a rewarding career by passing on my creative and design (soon to be learned) skills on to up coming generations of possible potential.
To get to the stage I want I am aiming for, I am going to have to endure more challenging and pro-longed work loads which will improve both my design and technicality. By doing this, I will become a good asset to any company/business of employment in any part of the design industry. My targets during the build up to this state of employment are to improve my literal and communications skills, improve on my creative and design skills. I would also like to understand the relevant software applications, become compatible with both Apple Macs and regular Personal Computer's (PC's). Other targets are to over come any obstacle, no matter how difficult, to gain more understanding about how the industry work and to be able to explain my opinions on any peice of graphical artwork. It would also be essential for me to be able to mark work correctly, and to learn how to be part of a team in a full on work environment.
An over all summary of this is that I intend to do my over all best in the course I am currently attending whilst taking in new skills and widening my range of creativity.
The directions in my life that I most want to go are on to full time employment in the design industry as either a ‘Web Designer’, ‘Graphic Editor’, or an ‘Advertising Clerk’. Also a tutor’s position that involves subjects I have or am currently studying sounds of some interest. This sort of career interests me as I believe I have a creative imagination which could be a core benefit to the business I am appointed to when the time comes. The tutor position inspires and attracts me as I feel that it could be a rewarding career by passing on my creative and design (soon to be learned) skills on to up coming generations of possible potential.
To get to the stage I want I am aiming for, I am going to have to endure more challenging and pro-longed work loads which will improve both my design and technicality. By doing this, I will become a good asset to any company/business of employment in any part of the design industry. My targets during the build up to this state of employment are to improve my literal and communications skills, improve on my creative and design skills. I would also like to understand the relevant software applications, become compatible with both Apple Macs and regular Personal Computer's (PC's). Other targets are to over come any obstacle, no matter how difficult, to gain more understanding about how the industry work and to be able to explain my opinions on any peice of graphical artwork. It would also be essential for me to be able to mark work correctly, and to learn how to be part of a team in a full on work environment.
An over all summary of this is that I intend to do my over all best in the course I am currently attending whilst taking in new skills and widening my range of creativity.
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